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发布时间:2024-01-30 04:49:40



The greatest results in life are attained by simple means, and the exercise of ordinary qualities. The common life of every day, with its cares, necessities, and duties, affords ample opportunity for acquiring experience of the best kind; and 41. its most beaten paths provide the true worker with abundant scope for effort and room for self-improvement. 42. The road of human welfare lies along the old highway of steadfast well-doing; and they who are the most persistent, and work in the truest: spirit, will usually be the most successful.
Fortune has often been blamed for her blindness; but fortune is not so blind as men are. 43. Those who look into practical life will find that fortune is usually on the side of the industrious, as the winds and waves are on the side of the best navigators. In the pursuit of even the highest branches of human inquiry, the commoner qualities are found the most useful, such as common sense, attention, application, and
[填空题]The importance of luck in the genius equation tends to be ignored.

[单项选择]French engineering genius is seen in the Statue of Liberty in ______.
A. design of its base
B. design of its stressed sheathing
C. locating the statue without disrupting harbor traffic
D. keeping the flame lit
Genius is something that is difficult to measure quantitatively since it is a unique quality, although most of us can recognize genius when we see it or hear it. (1)By contrast intelligence is possibly easier to quantify and like genius is a polygenic character that can be moulded by the environment. Intelligence is a qualitative trait, which does have a genetic component, but we should not assume that it has a single dimension of expression. (2)There are several limitations in measuring intelligence by a linear scale ranging from dull to bright, since individuals differ greatly in their genotypes. Any number of gene combination may predispose an individual to musical genius, or to painting, or to designing computer programs, etc. The possession of any one of these abilities may or may not be associated with another. Moreover, the same genotype may be expressed in markedly different ways in markedly different environments. (3)For example, i
The greatest results in life are usually attained by simple means, and the exercise of ordinary qualities. The common life of every day, with its cares, necessities, and duties, affords ample opportunity for acquiring experience of the best kind; and (56) its most beaten paths provide the true worker with abundant scope for effort and room for self-improvement. (57) The road of human welfare lies along the old highway of steadfast well-doing; and they who are the most persistent, and work in the truest spirit, will usually be the most successful.
Fortune has often been blamed for her blindness; but fortune is not so blind as men are. (58) Those who look into practical life will find that fortune is usually on the side of the industrious, as the winds and waves are on the side of the best navigators. In the pursuit of even the highest branches of human inquiry, the commoner qualities are found the most useful— such as common sense, attention,


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