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发布时间:2023-12-23 06:44:03

[单项选择](a) He lives with a first-year student (b) He wanted to live in an apartment (c) He isn’t a new student (d) He was assigned space in a dorm

更多"(a) He lives with a first-year stud"的相关试题:

[填空题]How many points will a student lose if he misspells a word on a composition

[填空题]What should a student do if he or she wants to borrow books from the library
They should first produce their ______ or ID.

[单项选择][Al He is a student.
[B] He will go to the hospital.
[C] He hurt his fingers.
[填空题]He is said to have been a good student until he ________________(开始对电脑游戏上瘾).
[单项选择]Mr. Smith is an old man. He lives alone. He has a dog and a small car. He likes playing cards for three hours in his friend’s house. One day when it was getting dark, he left his friend’s house in a hurry and jumped into a car. His dog followed him, but it didn’t jump into the same car. It jumped into another car. "Come here! What a fool!" Mr. Smith shouted at it. But the dog still stayed there. Mr. Smith wanted to start his car, but the key didn’t turn. Then he looked the car again. It was not his. He was in the wrong car! And the dog was in the right one. Mr. Smith laughed.
Mr. Smith lives with his friends.
A. Right.
B. Wrong.
C. Doesn’t say.
[单项选择]Although he lives alone in the countryside, he doesn't feel()
A. alone
B. on his own
C. himself
D. lonely
[单项选择]As he keeps himself to himself,he lives a lonely life.()
A. 因为他把自己封闭起来,他过得很孤独。
B. 因为他不与人来往,他过得很寂寞。
C. 由于他自高自大,人们不与他来往。
D. 因为他把自己封锁起来,生活得很孤独。
[简答题]Have you any idea where he lives
[填空题]Whom should a student go to if he or she has any questions
The student should contact ______.


George Daniels lives in London. He is a watchmaker. His work continues the{{U}} (36) {{/U}}of the English watchmakers of the 18th and 19th centuries. Today that{{U}} (37) {{/U}}is almost dead. Daniels is the only man in the world who{{U}} (38) {{/U}}his own watches, makes all the{{U}} (39) {{/U}}himself, and then puts them together.
A Daniels watch is the product of his hands{{U}} (40) {{/U}}. One of his watches, which is now in an American museum, took 3,500 hours to{{U}} (41) {{/U}}. He usually makes one watch a year. Each one is written "Daniels, London", and costs about $ l0,000. Of course, they are not{{U}} (42) {{/U}}watches--they are very beautiful and will{{U}} (43) {{/U}}at least three centuries.
George Daniels has always been fascinated by clocks and watches. When he was five, he used to take his father’s clock to pieces, and put it back together again. At school he used to repair the teacher’s watches.{


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