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发布时间:2024-03-15 00:33:19

[填空题]La policía actuó inmediatamente para recuperar la orden social.

更多"La policía actuó inmediatamente par"的相关试题:

[填空题]Para la gran mayoría de personas, la jubilación (退休) (16) _______ (presentar, representar, reemplazar) un cambio difícil, porque no entienden otra actividad que no sea trabajar. La palabra jubilación está relacionada con júbilo, o sea, alegría. (17) _______ (Ponerse, Suponerse, Proponerse) que, la jubilación es el final de una etapa de compromiso social y el inicio de otra libre de obligaciones. Es vivir el júbilo de levantarse por la ma ana y (18) _______ (disponer, disponer de, disponerse a) todo el día por delante, y la alegría de poder realizar (19) _______ (al final, en fin, por fin) las actividades para las que siempre les ha (20) _______ (carecer, faltar, ausentar) tiempo.
[填空题]Desde la estación de tren andaron mucho para llegar al hotel donde tenían la reserva.
[单项选择]An analyst does research about interest rate policy tools. In implementing monetary policy, which of the statements is NOT used as an interest rate policy by the U. S. Federal Reserve()
A. Bank reserve requirements.
B. The prime rate.
C. Verbal persuasion to influence how banks supply credit to businesses and consumers.
When babies stare at the television--they are actually learning about the world, U.S. researchers said. Parents may want to limit what their{{U}} (47) {{/U}}see on television, based on the study, said Professor Donna Mumme. "Children as young as 12 months are making decisions based on the{{U}} (48) {{/U}}reactions of adults around them. It turns out they can also use the information they pick up from television. This means that adults might want to think twice before they speak in a{{U}} (49) {{/U}}or surprising tone or let a kid see television programs meant for an older person." Mumme’s team already knew that babies watch other children and adults for{{U}} (50) {{/U}}about the world. A mother{{U}} (51) {{/U}}her baby to eat some soup or a brother crying in fear when a dog{{U}} (52) {{/U}}can influence an infant’s{{U}} (53) {{/U}}Mumme’s team tested babies to{{U}} (54) {{/U}}if television has the same influence, showing actors re
The banana "tree" is actually not a real tree. This is because there is no wood in the stem(树干) rising above the ground. The stem is made up of leaves growing very close together, one inside the other. The leaves spread out at the top of the stem and rise in the air.
Banana plants need a lot of care and attention. They must be provided with water if the normal rainfall doesn’t supply enough. The area around the plants must be kept free of weeds and grass.
About nine or ten months after planting, a flower appears on the banana plant. This flower is at the end of a long stalk(茎), which grows from the base up through the center of the stem and turns downward when it comes out from the top. Small bananas form on this flower stalk as it grows down- ward. Bananas really grow upside down. As the small bananas form on the stalk, the
A. why the banana tree is not a tree
B. how the banana grows on the stem
C. why the stem of the tree is wood
D. how the leaves grow out of the stem

The government panel that sets U. S. vaccine policy already has begun discussing "universal immunization’* as a way to boost vaccination rates and reduce flu-linked sickness and death, Dr. Scott Harper of the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said at a vaccine meeting this week.
Harper acknowledged that the recent crisis momentarily upstaged universal immunization discussions, but said it remains a viable proposal.
The vaccine meeting, held every year, seeks to set an agenda for the upcoming flu season. Participants—many with a financial stake in getting more people vaccinated—said the universal vaccination push is likely to come within the next five years.
Also, flu vaccine is altered every year because there are always different flu strains circulating. The unused vaccine is discarded at season’s end, making flu shots financially unappealing for manu


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