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发布时间:2024-03-29 00:51:09

[简答题]In relation to insolvency law and the Companies Act 1965: (a) State any THREE persons who may present a petition for the winding up of a company by the court. (3 marks)

更多"In relation to insolvency law and t"的相关试题:

[简答题]In relation to insolvency law and the Companies Act 1965: (b) (i) Explain and distinguish a scheme of arrangement from a reconstruction of a company; (3 marks) (ii) State any TWO matters that the court can provide for, in an order for facilitating a reconstruction or amalgamation of companies. (4 marks)
[简答题]In relation to insolvency and the Companies Act 1965: (a) list any FOUR persons who may petition for the winding up of a company by the court. (4 marks)
[简答题]In relation to the law of insolvency: (b) Explain how the financial interests of creditors are protected during the insolvency process. (6 marks)
[简答题]In relation to the law of insolvency: (a) Explain the conditions that must be fulfilled in order to initiate insolvency proceedings against a company. 4 marks)
[简答题]In relation to close companies law, explain the fiduciary duties and duties of care and skill owed by the members to their company. (10 marks)
[简答题]In relation to the Companies Law, explain and distinguish between the following: (a) annual general meeting; (4 marks)
[简答题]In relation to the Companies Law, Cap. 113, define and distinguish between the following: (a) debentures and shares; (5 marks)
[简答题]In relation to the Companies Law: (b) describe the circumstances in which the rule relating to separate personality may be ignored, with personal liability imposed on members or directors. (6 marks)
[简答题]In relation to the Companies Law: (a) explain the rule relating to separate personality; and (4 marks)
[简答题]In relation to the Companies Law, Cap. 113: (b) explain the procedure required to amend a company’s articles of association. (3 marks)
[简答题]In relation to the Companies Law, Cap. 113: (a) describe the contents and the purpose of a company’s constitutional documents i.e. the memorandum and the articles of association; (7 marks)
[简答题]In relation to company law and the Companies Act 1965: (a) Explain and distinguish between the memorandum of association and the articles of association. (3 marks)
[简答题]In relation to the law of close companies, explain how a close company can be bound in contract. (10 marks)


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