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发布时间:2024-03-29 03:26:38

[单项选择]I love my job, though the pay is not great. What I like best about this job is being outdoors (在户外), seeing how the city changes from season to season. Being in an office, you can’t watch each day of the changing seasons. Driving so much, I’ve seen places that I never would have seen in another job. And I love all kinds of weather. I like to leave the window down in a fine rain and let it just blow in on me. Out in the countryside on a long drive, with the fresh (新鲜的)air and the shining sun, you just seem to want to drive all your life. At least(至少), that’s how it is for me. I enjoy meeting so many different people, too. I might not have met some of them before this job. Some people are in the greatest rush and say," Get me there as fast as you can. "They are in such a hurry that they often forget to pay when they get there. A few people don’t like to have a woman driver. The only great difficulty in this work for me is to drive at night. I have two little children. What is the wri
A. Working at night.
B. Working outdoors.
C. Working in bad weather.

更多"I love my job, though the pay is no"的相关试题:

[单项选择]I love my job, though the pay is not great. What I like best about this job is being outdoors (在户外), seeing how the city changes from season to season. Being in an office, you can’t watch each day of the changing seasons. Driving so much, I’ve seen places that I never would have seen in another job. And I love all kinds of weather. I like to leave the window down in a fine rain and let it just blow in on me. Out in the countryside on a long drive, with the fresh (新鲜的)air and the shining sun, you just seem to want to drive all your life. At least(至少), that’s how it is for me. I enjoy meeting so many different people, too. I might not have met some of them before this job. Some people are in the greatest rush and say," Get me there as fast as you can. "They are in such a hurry that they often forget to pay when they get there. A few people don’t like to have a woman driver. The only great difficulty in this work for me is to drive at night. I have two little children. What is the wri
A. A bus driver.
B. A taxi driver.
C. A train driver.
[单项选择]What job is the man doing
A. Doctor.
B. Gardener.
C. Accountancy.
[简答题]What job is the man applying for

What job did she get at a supermarket?
A job as a ().

What job does the woman say she did
[填空题]Most students thought about what job they would take when taking a major.

[填空题]According to Simon, what job field will be larger in the future
[单项选择]What job does Mr. Smith probably have ()
A. Worker.
B. Mechanic.
C. Typist.
D. Waiter.
[单项选择]Asked what job they would take if they could have any, people unleash their imaginations and dream of exotic places, powerful positions or work that involves alcohol and a paycheck at the same time. Or so you’d think.
None of those appeals to Lori Miller who, as a lead word processor, has to do things that don’t seem so dreamy, which include proofreading, spell checking and formatting. But she loves it. "I like and respect nearly all my co-workers, and most of them feel the same way about me," she says. "Just a few things would make it a little better," she says, including a shorter commute and the return of some great people who used to work there. And one more thing: She’d appreciate if everyone would put their dishes in the dishwasher.
It’s not a lot to ask for and, it turns out, a surprising number of people dreaming up their dream job don’t ask for much. One could attribute it to lack of imagination, setting the bar low or "anchoring," the term referring to the place peo
A. demonstrating duty and achievement.
B. being free of politics.
C. making people dream about it.
D. involving alcohol drinking.


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