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发布时间:2023-11-16 03:00:17



[单项选择]在非全面调查中,从调查对象中选择一个或少数几个具有代表性的典型个体进行全面深入的调查,称为( )。
A. 抽样调查
B. 典型调查
C. 重点调查
D. 判断抽样调查
[单项选择]先由教师综合介绍一些基本概念与原理,然后围绕某一专题进行讨论的培训方式是( )
A. 角色扮演法
B. 案例分析法
C. 讲授法
D. 研讨法
[单项选择]一种先由教师综合介绍一些基本概念与原理,然后围绕某一专题进行讨论的培训方式是( )
A. 讲授法
B. 研讨法
C. 角色扮演法
D. 案例分析法
[简答题]请围绕以下一些内容,选择最触动你的人或事,写一篇700字左右的作文。可以写记叙文,也可以写议论文。自拟标题。 2008年5月12日,每一个中国人不会忘记的日子。四川发生8级地震,震动了中国和世界。这场牵动亿万人心的灾难,这些由中华民族血肉之情演绎的“故事”,作为活生生的事例,摆在我们广大考生面前。面对如此震撼人心的事件,我们不可能无动于衷。 “2008年注定是荣耀与灾难共存的一年”,从抵御冰雪到护卫圣火,从抗击“藏独”到抗震救灾,多难兴邦,众志成城,中国不倒!与此同时,奥运也一天一天向我们走来。 在这些日子里,既揪心又感人,既让人泪流满面又让人热血沸腾,因为太多太多的人和事发生在中国。
[判断题]专题小组讨论是根据调查目的确定讨论主题,在主持人的领导下,围绕主题进行讨论并由记录员现场记录讨论内容。( )


A. 真实性
B. 政治性
C. 典型性
D. 适用性
E. 时效性


A. 谘议局
B. 资政院
C. 修订法律馆
D. 礼学馆
[简答题]阅读下面的材料,根据要求作文。 一个游客去波罗的海海滨度假,找到一处房屋,打算同房东——一位和蔼可亲的老人签下租房合同。老人劝他不妨先试住几天,看究竟合适不合适,再作决定。 游客住下后感到很满意。到第5天,将要签合同时,却发生了一点意外:一个精美的玻璃杯被他不小心打碎了。他有些忐忑不安地打电话告诉了老人,老人说:“不要紧,你又不 是故意的,我过来签合同时再拿一个来。”游客把碎玻璃和屋里的其他垃圾打扫了。不久, 老人来了,进屋后就问:“玻璃杯碎片呢”游客回答说,己装进垃圾袋,放到门外了。老人赶紧出门,打开垃圾袋看过后,脸色凝重地对游客说:“对不起,我不再把房子租給你了。” 然后,老人仔细地将玻璃碎片一一捡了出来,放入另一个垃圾袋,写上:“玻璃碎片,危险!” 要求: ①结合材料的内容和含意,选准角度, 明确立意; ②自拟标题,自选文体(诗歌除外),不少于800字; ③不得套作,不得抄袭。
[填空题]短文2(25分,A、B两篇,只翻译一篇,任选其一) B Petroleum was formed by nature in very ancient times. Most of the petroleum that oilmen drill for was formed between 20 and 500 million years ago. Outside of the petroleum industry, many people believe that oil and gas are contained in large under-ground lakes or caves. This belief is, of course, false. Petroleum is contained in the pores of reservoir rocks, rather in the same way that water is contained in the pores of a sponge. The most common reservoir rocks. Sedimentary rocks may be porous and permeable to oil, gas, and water. They can therefore act as reservoir rocks. Places where oil has reached the surface are called ‘seeps’ or ‘shows’. In Trinidad in the West Indies there are a number of active seeps. Notice the cap rock at the top of each trap. Cap rock is nonporous and impermeable to the fluids below. Therefore, underground pressure cannot force the reservoir fluids through the cap rock and up to the surface. How do oilmen know where t
[填空题]短文1(20分,A、B两篇,只翻译一篇,任选其一) B The winning, production, transport and refining of oil can be hazardous. The first thing which should be taken into consideration is the terrible flammability of petroleum and petroleum products. All hydrocarbons that boil at less than 250℃ are volatile; i.e., at normal temperatures they will produce, or exist at, vapor. Together with air, this vapor can easily form a mixture which is explosive within the limits of proportion, just one spark, in the wrong place at the wrong time, and lives may be lost. For this reason, oil companies provide detailed safety regulations concerning the use of lights, smoking materials. Welding equipment, etc, and employees who do not obey these regulations run the added risk of being dismissed. Petroleum is frequently won under physical conditions which can endanger the workers involved. The workers who are most vulnerable are those who are inexperienced or untrained, but even old hands may be seriously injured in a
[填空题]短文2(25分,A、B两篇,只翻译一篇,任选其一) A In the process of exploitation, minor mistakes can have serious results arising from drilling tools, mud fluid cementing and well completion job. The information’s real-time transmission is especially important in where the transport is inconvenient such as the desert, the Gobi or the ocean. The traditional telephone report and daily fax can’t reflect the oil field’s dynamic information exactly, which may delay to control complex accidents. There must be some reforms in the communication between the local and the headquarters. For the subjective and objective reasons, the level of information technology in drilling engineering is far behind other industries. It is the general trends to build up the real time information transfer system integrating the data acquisition, transfer and processing. At present, computer and network technologies are developing rapidly which makes the commercial productions become more perfect and effective. All of these are
A. 时间具有主观性,在不同的参照系上,由不同的卞体决定
B. 时间与运动着的物质不可分,没有离开物质的纯粹的时间
C. 时间具有相对性
D. 时间是人的主观调整的系列


[填空题]短文2(25分,A、B两篇,只翻译一篇,任选其一) B There is little doubt in the minds of most petroleum geologists, from the evidence of association, that petroleum originates from organic matter of both plant and animal origin that accumulates in fine-grained sediment under quiet conditions relatively deficient in oxygen. These ideas receives firmer support from geochemical studies of sedimentary organic matter, indicating that petroleum is generated during burial of the sediment, primarily under the influences of heat and time, and that it is expelled from the source rocks during compaction. Crude oils are complex mixtures of hydrocarbons and non-hydrocarbons. In the present context it is interesting to note that there is as much variation between crude oils of the same age—or, more precisely, crude oils in rocks of the same age—as between crude oils of different ages. Since there has been a continually changing pattern of life over the last 600 millions years or so, the general similarities of cr
[单项选择]学生作文修改的评价要( )。
A. ①
B. ①③
C. ①③④
D. ①②③④


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