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发布时间:2024-04-08 18:53:09

[名词解释]cardiac resynchronisation therapy(心脏再同步化治疗)

更多"cardiac resynchronisation therapy(心"的相关试题:

A. 左心室心尖部
B. 冠状静脉窦
C. 左心室室间隔部
D. 左心室流出道
E. 以上均可
A. 周期特异性药物与周期非特异性药物序贯使用
B. 周期特异性和非特异性药物同时使用
C. 不同周期特异性药物序贯使用
D. 以上都可以
A. 车间
B. 仓库
C. 部门
D. 机构
[简答题]root canal therapy
A. 联合库存管理
B. 供应商管理库存
C. 利用第三方物流
D. 利用延迟化策略
[填空题]供应链管理是以同步化、______生产计划为指导,以各种技术为支持,尤其以Internet/Intranet 为依托,围绕供应、生产作业、物流(主要指制造过程)、满足需求来实施的。
A. 平滑滤波
B. 最小二乘法
C. 卷积
D. 反卷积
E. 最大二乘法
[填空题]Names of companies involved in bubble therapy research.
[填空题]A known problem of using bubble therapy.
[单项选择]Music Used As Healing Therapy 1 Music has long been used to treat patients suffering from different problems. In 400 BC, its healing properties were documented by the ancient Greeks. More recently, in both world wars in the last century, medical workers used music therapy (疗法)with people suffering from trauma (外伤).Currently, it is used as a treatment for many diseases, such as cancer, and it has also been used with patients with long-term pain and learning disabilities. 2 There is growing evidence that music can cause physical changes to the body which can improve our health. In the Welcome Trust study, which took place over three years at the Chelsea and Westminster hospital in London, patients were asked to listen to musical performances. As a result, it was found that stress levels were significantly reduced, recovery times were improved, and fewer drugs were needed. 3 These very positive results are partly due to general well-being (良好的健康状况). It is already accepted that when peo
[填空题]An approximate idea of when bubble therapy will be generally available.
[单项选择]Stem Cell Therapy May Help Repair the Heart   According to scientists in the USA,stem cell therapy may one day be able to repair the hearts of people with heart failure.Researchers at Pittsburgh University School of Medicine examined 20 patients who had severe heart failure and were going to have surgery.   They injected stem cells into the parts of their hearts that were damaged,They then compared their hearts with those of people who had undergone surgery without having the stem cells injected into them(they had also suffered from severe heart failure).The patients who had had the stem cells injected had hearts that were able to pump(用泵抽运)more blood than the others.   According to Professor Robert Kormos,one of t11e researchers,these results could revolutionize heart treatment.Although previous studies had indicated that there might be a benefit,this is the first study that has actually proved that stem cell therapy can help the failing heart work better.   All the patien
A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Not mentioned
[单项选择]The major goal of therapy in crisis intervention is to
A. withdraw from the stress.
B. resolve the immediate problem.
C. decrease anxiety.
D. provide documentation of events.


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