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发布时间:2024-05-22 00:13:30

[简答题]Steve Jobs名言: 1 Stay hungry,stay foolish 2 We live to change the world

更多"Steve Jobs名言: 1 Stay hungry,stay f"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The Magician The revolution that Steve Jobs led is only just beginning When it came to putting on a show, nobody else in the computer industry, or any other industry for that matter, could match Steve Jobs. His product launches, at which he would stand alone on a black stage and produce as if by magic an “incredible” new electronic gadget (小器具)in front of an amazed crowd, were the performances of a master showman. All computers do is fetch and work with numbers, he once explained, but do it fast enough and “the results appear to be magic”. Mr Jobs, who died recently aged 56, spent his life packaging that magic into elegantly designed, easy-to-use products. The reaction to his death, with people leaving candles and flowers outside Apple stores and politicians singing praises on the internet, is proof that Mr Jobs had become something much more significant than just a clever money-maker. He stood out in three ways-as a technologist, as a corporate (公司的)leader and as somebody w
A. intelligence
B. showmanship
C. magic power
D. persuasion skills
[简答题]Steve Jobs is an entrepreneur. And that is how history will long remember him. Not primarily as a fiduciary or an institution builder or an administrator, but rather as an individual who relentlessly pursued new opportunities. (1)From the first Apple computers to the breakthrough innovations of the past eight years, he has chased new possibilities without being discouraged by whatever obstacle he encountered. Over and over again he has turned his eye and his energy-and at times, it has seemed, his entire being-to what might be gained by creating a new offering or taking an unorthodox strategic path. (2)That puts him in the company of great entrepreneurs of the past two centuries, each of whom-and especially Steve Jobs has been defined by the intense drive, tireless curiosity, and keen commercial imagination. That has allowed them to see products and industries and possibilities that might be . (3)Each of these individuals has also been extremely hardworkin
[填空题]He gave the order that we (stay) ( ) where we were.


W: Well, Mr. Steve, we have had an interesting discussion about your work. Now, tell us something about your after work activities.
M: I guess not much different from everyone else. I’m fond of sports, and I am about 3 miles every day. I particularly enjoy cross-country running, where you have to run across fields, jump over streams and so on. While I’m running I think about all kinds of things, and at the end of a run I’m sometimes surprised to find that I’ve managed to solve a problem that was on my mind.
Next year I’m going to ay the London Marathon. It’s a long, hard race—26 miles, or 42 kilometres and you have to be tough to finish, but I very much want to do it. I worry a bit about getting old, and I’d like to prove to myself that I’m still almost as well as I was twenty years ago. I’m interested in climbing as well as running. I’ll never become an expert climber, but I know what I’m
A. Enter for the London Marathon.
B. Do a cross-country running.
C. Climb the Alps with his wife.
D. Complete a course in snow and ice climbing.


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