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发布时间:2024-01-30 05:42:29

[单项选择]Passage Three When trying to understand why some people have trouble living within their means, we tend to blame factors such as high interest rates and irresponsible spending. Now researchers have found another possible factor to add to the list: a gene linked to credit-card debt. Earlier work has shown that genetics plays a role in how we handle money. But a recent study was the first to show that a particular gene affects financial behavior outside the lab. Researchers at the University of California, San Diego, and the London School of Economics looked at genetic data and questionnaires already collected from more than 2,000 young adults aged 18 to 26 as part of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. In particular, they looked at whether these young adults said they had any credit-card debt and what version of the MAOA gene they had. Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) (甲型单胺氧化酶) is an enzyme that breaks down the signaling chemicals called neuro-transmitters in
A. credit-card debt is mainly attributed to high interest rates
B. reckless spending is a major cause of a person’ s debt
C. young adults tend to spend more money than they earn
D. whether we overspend or not is probably determined by a particular gene

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[单项选择]Passage Three When trying to understand why some people have trouble living within their means, we tend to blame factors such as high interest rates and irresponsible spending. Now researchers have found another possible factor to add to the list: a gene linked to credit-card debt. Earlier work has shown that genetics plays a role in how we handle money. But a recent study was the first to show that a particular gene affects financial behavior outside the lab. Researchers at the University of California, San Diego, and the London School of Economics looked at genetic data and questionnaires already collected from more than 2,000 young adults aged 18 to 26 as part of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. In particular, they looked at whether these young adults said they had any credit-card debt and what version of the MAOA gene they had. Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) (甲型单胺氧化酶) is an enzyme that breaks down the signaling chemicals called neuro-transmitters in
A. The way we deal with money is related to our genetic features.
B. A particular gene affects financial behavior outside the lab.
C. Adolescents’ genetic grouping affects their health.
D. Too much MAOA may cause someone to behave impulsively.
[单项选择]Passage Three
When foreigners are sometimes asked what seems most strange about American society, somewhere on the top of the list will be the fact that the average citizen is allowed to possess guns.
Although it is true that many people carry guns legally in the United States, it is also known that many who possess guns carry them illegally. Others, who don’t have guns, feel that guns can be acquired quite easily. A recent survey indicated that many high school students, especially in the inner cities, can acquire a gun with little difficulty.
Although most people would never want to own a gun, others have taken up hunting as a sport and enjoy hunting wild game in season. Hunting for deer and duck in fall and winter is very much a part of the American culture.
Also, some farmers in rural areas who raise cattle and sheep feel they n
A. Many Americans acquire guns illegally.
B. Ordinary people can possess guns legally.
C. The average citizen does not try to possess guns.
D. Many school children carry guns legally.
[单项选择]Passage Three
When I was a child in Sunday school, I would ask searching questions like "Angels can fly up in heaven, but how do clouds hold up pianos, and get the same puzzling response about how that was not important, what was important was that Jesus died for our sins and if we accepted him as our savior, when we died, we would go to heaven, where we’d get everything we wanted. Some children in my class wondered why anyone would hang on a cross with nails stuck through his hands to help anyone else; I wondered how Santa Claus knew what I wanted for Christmas, even though I never wrote him a letter. Maybe he had a tape recorder hidden in every chimney in the world.
This literal-mindedness has stuck with me; one result of it is that I am unable to believe in God. Most of the other atheists I know seem to feel freed or proud of their unbeli
A. the author was a Sunday school boy
B. the author used to be puzzled at many things
C. the school didn’t teach the children enough knowledge
D. tape recorders were popular in daily life
Passage Three

When it comes to the economy, pessimism is in and good old American optimism is out. From the headlines in the newspapers to the coffee shop chatter, it seems that there is little good to say about the economy. Bad enough that the news about Iraq, winter storms and the escalation of terror alerts continue to keep people on edge. Reports of state budget deficits and threats of major cutbacks in services such as education, health care and police also make people nervous.
The latest USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll reflects the new pessimism. Asked early this past week how they would rate economic conditions in the country today, just one in three- 34%- said they consider it good. That’s down 10 percentage points from December, when 44% rated the economy good and 20 points lower than September when 54% said they thought economic conditions were good. Moreover, when asked to look ahead a year from now, those
A. upset people
B. keep people alert
C. disappoint people
D. make people pessimistic


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