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发布时间:2024-03-28 23:06:49

[简答题]介绍museum的历史 drinks

更多"介绍museum的历史 drinks"的相关试题:

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[简答题]介绍museum的历史 lift entrance (coffee shop旁边)
[简答题]介绍museum的历史 lecture theater (coffee shop对面)
[简答题]介绍museum的历史 tourist are recommended to take a tour underground for 1 hour by the ex-miner
[简答题]介绍museum的历史 the mine was closed down in the year of 1988
[简答题]介绍museum的历史 if you want to relax please go to restroom area next to the staff office
[简答题]介绍museum的历史 if you don’t come please contact the reception
[简答题]Museum Do you often visit a museum
[简答题]介绍一个会所hot drinks and cakes 原文为tea, coffee, and cakes
[简答题]是一个人讲一名建筑师的历史。 最后一个建筑物现在用作transport museum了
Where is the Science Museum
[填空题]Athletes should avoid having drinks containing caffeine, for they are hundred-percent harmful to the athletes’ sports performance.

[单项选择]Banish soft drinks from school vending machines. Cut down on Happy Meals. Load school lunches with fruits and vegetables. Pull the plug on the television and shove kids outdoors. Those are some of the weapons that schools, doctors and parents wield to prevent overweight kids from packing on more pounds.
But there’s another possibility: Surgically implant an inflatable silicone band around the top of the stomach to restrict food intake. That way, people eat smaller meals. Banding works for many adults. Now Allergan Inc. , a maker of the band, is asking the Food and Drug Administration to approve its device for morbidly obese adolescents as young as 14.
You may or may not find this hard to stomach. We suspect your response will depend on your view of the causes of obesity, teen and otherwise. If you think losing weight is only a matter of will power, then you probably will figure this is another stab at a quick-fix that can’t work for long. But here’s why we can’t dismiss it. C
A. might cause constant pains to overweight children.
B. might be overused on overweight adolescents.
C. might be marketed for effects which it does not produce.
D. might cause psychological problems to obese children.


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