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发布时间:2024-05-27 05:11:37

[简答题]I go to medical school. They want me to do that. (simple sentence)

更多"I go to medical school. They want m"的相关试题:

[填空题]I am afraid I can’t go. I have to do some (clean) () at home.
[填空题]I won’t do it well if you don’t help me. I won’t do it well ______ ______ ______.
[填空题]I didn’t go to the party, but I do wish I (be) ______ there.
[单项选择]Please do not hesitate to call me if I can be of further assistance.
A. see
B. contact
C. help
D. touch
[单项选择]Please do net hesitate to call me if I can be of further assistance.( )
A. contact
B. see
C. help
D. touch
[单项选择][听力原文]Q: Excuse me,do I have to pay in cash?()
A. Sorry to hear that.
B. Yes, of course.
C. See you later.
D. Nice to meet you.
[单项选择]My mother asked me( )I wanted to go there by bus
A. if        
B. what    
C. as whether  
D. if what

M: Oh, my! I can’t go on.
W: Me neither. I give up or I will die.
M: I’ve never seen such hot weather in my life.
W: I can’t agree more. It’s like the whole world is boiling.
M: Look. the temperature has hit 98!
W: I can’t believe it. We used to have such nice weather here all year round.
M: Yes. How I miss the good old days. Just cool or warm days.
W: So, what to do now
M: I guess we can’t do anything until the sun sets down.
W: You are right. I’m sweating all over.
M: Let’s go back home and take a shower.
W: Yes. We might cool down in this way.

What will they probably do at the end of the conversation( ).
A. Go back home and take a shower.
B. Drink something cool.
C. Go swimming.
[单项选择]I ()go swimming at the pool, but now I do yoga
A. had to  
B. was able to
C. might not 
D. used to

W: Excuse me, do you live in London
M: Yes, I do. I live in Hampstead.
W: Hampstead I live in Hampstead, too. London is a funny place, I don’t know my next-door neighbor.
M: I live in Pond Street.
W: That’s funny! I live in Pond Street, too.
M: I live in number 24 Pond Street.
W: I live in number 23! You are my next-door neighbor!

What is the relationship between the two speakers ( )
A. Neighbors.
B. Police and stranger.
C. A couple.
[填空题]She wanted me to go shopping with her.
I ______ to go shopping with her.


W: Excuse me, how can I go to the bookstore from here
M: You may take a bus or a taxi, but it’s not very far, and you may like to walk there.

What does the man mean ()
A. It’s not easy to find a taxi.
B. The book store is very far away.
C. The woman may walk to the book store.
D. There are a lot of buses going to the book store.
[单项选择]______ you won't help me, I must do the work myself.
A. Though
B. Now that
C. So that

W: What do you want to do now?
M: I want to go back to the hotel.
W: But it’s only four o’clock.
M: I’m tired. We’ve done a lot of sightseeing.
W: We can still go shopping. The stores don’t close for another hour.
M: No, I want to rest for a while. We’re going to the theatre tonight, you know.
W: Yes, I know. What time does it start
M: At eight o’clock.
W: Do you want to try to take the bus to the theatre
M: We can take a taxi. It’s more expensive, but it’s a lot easier.
W: Where do you want to eat
M: There are a lot of restaurants near the hotel.
W: But what kind of restaurant Chinese French Japanese
M: Oh, I don’t know. Right now I just want to go back to the hotel and rest.

What do you think the speakers are()
A. Citizens of the city.
B. Tourists visiting the city.
C. A couple looking for work.


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