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发布时间:2023-10-01 23:02:14

[简答题]Her father won’t let her go to the party tonight. She’s in a bad mood. (complex sentence)

更多"Her father won’t let her go to the "的相关试题:

[单项选择]You ______ the look on her face when her son won the prize.
A. would have seen
B. can be seeing
C. must see
D. should have seen
[填空题]Mary had made up her mind to go and what I said to her didn’t make any (different) ______.
[填空题]If you don’t go, I won’t go either.
If you don’t go, nor ______ ______.

[单项选择]When did her mother go back to work ()
A. When she was only ten.
B. When she was only fourteen.
C. When her brother was only ten.
D. When she went to university.
[单项选择]The children won't go there to watch the iron tower ( ).
A. to erect
B. to be erected
C. erecting
D. being erected
[单项选择]These students won't go unless their instructor______soon.
A. comes
B. has come
C. came
D. will come
[单项选择]People won't go out after dark because they are afraid of______.
A. attacking
B. being attacked
C. having been attacked
D. attacked
[单项选择]A Go to her class. B Cancel her appointment with the president. C Ask her professor to excuse her from class. D Attend the presentation.
[单项选择]With her talents and confidence, this lady has won the reputation as a novelist since the early 1990s()
A. 这位女士才华横溢且自信有加,早在20世纪90年代就已经美名远扬。
B. 凭借其才华和自信。这位女士的小说从29世纪90年代初起就声名远播。
C. 凭借其才华和自信,这位女士自20世纪90年代初就赢得了小说家的美名。
D. 早在20世纪90年代,这位才华和信心兼具的女土就已经在小说家中脱颖而出,屡屡获奖。
[单项选择]Why won’t Helen go to the concert
A. She has too much to do.
B. She is ill.
C. She wants to study.
[填空题]He won’t let anyone else()(visit) his sister.
[简答题]Write to Alice, asking her to go to the library with you at weekends.
Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropiateness.

[单项选择]He asked her to go to a concert with him but she () his invitation politely.
A. turned; down
B. turned; out
C. turned; away
D. turned; up
[单项选择]Peter won’t go with Julia because ______.
A. to attend the lecture with him next time
B. not to be late for the lecture
C. to tell him about the first part


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