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发布时间:2023-12-16 21:32:56

[简答题] 郑州考场:你想要买的东西   思路:   想要买什么   什么时间   为什么想买   I am crazy about cars, in my spare time, I like collecting the modes of cars. Therefore, I want to buy a luxury black car named Benz when I graduate from university, because it is very convenient and useful. I can drive it for travelling and go to school and work so that I can’t wait for a bus for half an hour and crowd with different people. It is also time saving if I drive to whatever I want. Although a car costs more than a bike or motorcar, I would prefer to buy it.

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[简答题] 郑州考场:报纸   Newspapers   思路:   什么类型   好处   One interesting western festival I have learned from the media is the tomato fight festival in Spain in a little town. Every year tens of thousands of people from all over the world come to Spain to join in the fight. It is all about having fun. You can throw tomatoes at anyone and they will greet you with the same treat. Sooner you will get the red juice all over your body. And people will clean the street after the happy time is over. I think it is a good way for making friends and I wish we had this type of festival in my country.   As for the eastern festival, I would like to share with you the Spring festival in china, which is the most important one of the year. It is time for us to say goodbye to the past and welcome a new beginning. And for Chinese people who value family, the delight is being able to sit at the same table having the rich dinner with people you love and care about.
[简答题] 郑州考场:一次不同的旅行   a different journey   思路   什么样子的Journey 什么时间 什么地点 和谁   I would like to tell you a different journey that I would remember forever. I went to mountain climbing with my classmates last May Day. This was the first time I climbed mountain without my father’s help. It’s so hard for me to fish this tough task because I was a little weak at that time as a result of lacking of doing exercises. The mountain is too high to move on. However, my classmates were so excited that they didn’t realize I was so tired. I tried my best to climb to the top of the mountain and had a rest. When I went down the mountain my legs were so hurt that I suddenly lay down on my back. When I came into consciousness I had already been on my dorm. Several days later they told me that Robin who was the only classmate I dislike carried me down. I was moved to tears because of friendship.
[简答题] 郑州考场:party   party   思路:什么样的party   什么时候举行   有什么内容   My friend Lily will go to America for study next week, so I held a goodbye party for her. I invited so many friends of us and asked them to bring delicious food and drinks to the party. The party was taken in a teahouse where atmosphere is very sweet. Lily was in a gorgeous dress at that night. It’s a pure white dress, looked so elegant. She said, it’s her best dress, she hoped we could remember her most beautiful looking. During the dinner, we gave her our best wishes. I could see Lily’s tears and smiles both on her face. After dinner, we song our favorite song “ My flowers together. I felt that all of us smiled like flowers when we were singing that. Although Lily will leave us soon, I believe she will feel that she’s not alone.
[简答题] 郑州考场:最开心的一件事   one happy experience   思路:   什么时候   什么样的?   给我的影响是什么?   I would like to share one with you one of my happy experiences in my childhood. When I was in primary school, the activity of visiting museum in my city was held by our school. It was said that the aim was to arise the pride of the long history of our country. It was a bright day and all of the students in our class were very excited for it was rare for us to do this kind of things. There were so many antiquities of Song Dynasty in the museum, such as Bian embroider, jade stone and so on. We were all shocked by the things that were never seen before. At the same time, all of us know Song Dynasty well. Above all, it is a very meaningful activity through which we learnt more knowledge that couldn’t get from the books.
[简答题] 郑州考场:理想的工作   ideal job   思路:什么样的工作    为什么   Every time i think this kind of topic, i get exciting, because i can inmagine though it is not true. my ideal job is to be an actress, i am into and crazy about acting when i was young and dream to be a shining actress in the bright screen and make most the young people take me as an idol. therefore i can get many things from it, such as flowers, money and fame.for example ...
[简答题] 郑州考场:令人兴奋的运动   sport   思路:是什么?   有什么内容。    我的感受?   As for the sports event, I would like to talk about the hottest one during these days. It is the NBA competition between the team Rocket and LAL. It was said that the power of the team LAL went far beyond the power of the team Rocket because there are many basketball superstars there, such as Kobe, the talent of basketball and so on. However, after the first competition, all of the audience cheered for the victory of Rocket and changed their views, for all of the members of the Rocket tried their best to win the game even though some of the members hurt badly. Now the result is 3:3. In the following days, the fierce competition will go on and I really expect the team Rocket can win the game because I am moved deeply by the persistence of all the team members
[简答题] 郑州考场:儿童教育   思路:   1. 儿童时期教育的重要性   2. 谈现在中国人于儿童教育不同的重视程度   A research done by an authoritative agency has shown that the kids who get well educations in their early ages are more capable to deal with diffculties in their ways of growing up , so it’s very important to offer young kids a good education.   Nowadays Chinese parents are paying more attention to kids’ education ,the first reason is that people are getting rich and they don’t need to worry about how to feed their kids with limited income any more.The second reason is that people are more aware of the importance of early-age education. The last reason I think is that the one-child police has been carried out by the government , having only one child makes the parents want to offer their kids all they have to make their kids feel happy and get better opportunities.
[简答题] 郑州考场:曾经帮助过你的人   思路:   1. 是谁   2. 怎样帮助你的   My grandfather is a very helpful teacher, not only for his students, but also for me, his only grand daughter. Every time when I have to make an important decision, I will ask my grandfather for some suggestion. Last month I was standing at the cross of my life again. I got an offer from a university of Australia. But according to the offer, I was required to get a high score in IELTS test which is really hard for me. At the same time, I also got another offer from a Chinese uni。I do not have to take any test for that university but I have no interests to go there either. I asked my grandfather which my best choice is. He said every way is a good way if I could run fast. Then I know what I should do. So this is my grandfather, he is just like a superstar in my heart
[简答题] 郑州考场:一个帮助过你的重要的人   思路:   1. 是谁   2. 怎样帮助你的   别人用重要的方式帮助我的一次经历来源:考试大的美女编辑们   注意: 讲述的是一次经历而非总是帮助你的那个人 侧重点是不同的   A time that a person helped me in an important way   I have always been an optimistic person, or you can say there wasn’t anything worth me to be unhappy--- everything went on well: I grew up in a happy family, I had good performance in school, I got on well with my classmates and I had lots of friends. But things changed after I got into middle school, my parents started to quarrel a lot and no one would like to make a compromise.Finally they decided to divorce.I was shocked when they told me their decision.Since then my life became totally dark and I felt I couldn’t do anything without my happy family until a new friend stepped into my life, she was just like a beam of sunshine that can light my life, she never comforted me with words, but always tried to take me to different places, introduce me great books and music, she made me understand that there are different s
[简答题] 郑州考场:你喜欢在家吃饭还是在外面吃饭   思路:1、讲一下大部分人在家吃的比较多还是在学外面吃    2、对于你个人而言是怎么样的情况 为什么   It is the fact that more and more people are eating outside during noon time as the population of whitecolars who work in companies climbs sharply as the development of the society .Those people have to choose to eat outside because of the limited time they have for lunch..However, it is a tradition for chinese families to gather together and eat together, so people try to eat with their families as long as they get the opportunities .   Personaly, I prefer to eat at home not only because it is cleaner and healthier ,but I am lucky enough to have the opportunities to eat with my family comparing with the white colars I mentioned earlier. I know if I start to work, there will be lots of compromises I have to make, I may no longer to be able to eat with my family very often, so I cherish every opportunity to eat at home with my family,plus, no one cooks better than my mom!
[简答题] 郑州考场:电影   movie   什么电影   关于什么的   从中学到什么   In my spare time, I like watching movies most, and I have already seen Forrest Gump for many times. Every time I watch it, I will get some new things. The most impressive lines is life is like a box of chocolates, you never you never know what you/’re gonna get. Yeah, life is like a journey which is full of unknowns and obstacles. The movie’s beginning is a symbol of the process of life, a feather flying on the sky floating everywhere without directions and was blown by the strong winds. It is a coincidence that the destiny of Forrest reveals the truth of life. When he is a kid, his mother often tells him he is ordinary as everyone. Jenny gives him confidence and their kid is so smart. It is a comedy to some extend. Movie is not a way to relax but also provides us advices
[简答题] 郑州考场姓明,和朋友经常一起吗,都干吗,等
[简答题] 郑州考场:你参加过的东方的节日和西方的节日   A western festival and eastern festival   思路   什么样的节日   节日的意义   One interesting festival I have heard from my foreign teacher is the Pancake Race in the UK. As its name suggests, each competitor has to run as fast as possible while tossing pancakes. If some contestants drop the pancake, they have to pick it up very quickly. The whole process is hilarious. Its aim is to raise money for charity. I wish we had this type of festival in my country.   As for the eastern festival, I would like to share with you the Spring festival in china, which is the most important one of the year. It is time for us to say goodbye to the past and welcome a new beginning. And for Chinese people who value family, the delight is being able to sit at the same table having the rich dinner with people you love and care about.
[简答题] 郑州考场A travel you planed didnt go就是计划没实现的旅行,人们旅游的原因
[简答题] 郑州考场:电器   非常容易说的一个话题,但是在过去的题库中曾经有出现(except computer)的字样。   因此建议大家说MP4,PSP这样比较“高科技”的东西。   思路   1 谁给你的   2 平常都用它来做什么   3 这个产品在人们生活中的角色   4 如果科技进步,希望它具备什么样的功能   思路:Cell phone, as one of the greatest invention in the 21st century, has changed our lives a lot. People can use it to make a more convenient communicating way. it is no need for us to wait for several days to get information from friends who live far away. It is no worry about missing calls from others when we are not at home. However, it also brings us many bad effects. We may be disturbed by the phone call when we are sleeping or reading. As a result, it is hard to say whether cell phone is good or not for us, but it is true that almost nobody can live without it.
据此不可能推出的是( )。
A. 最后有鸡蛋
B. 最后一定买西红柿
C. 最后可能买肉
D. 不能同时买鸡蛋和肉
[判断题]参加资格考试的人员,违反考场规则,扰乱考场秩序的,在三年内不得参加资格考试。( )


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