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发布时间:2023-09-28 05:59:16

[简答题]We all know that the most powerful force in our lives is love. In addition to providing us with soul-warming companionship, the emotion of love is truly inspiring. Of course, the facts of our lives tell a somewhat sad story. We have a very hard time making love last. The divorce rate in the U.S. is still around 50 percent. That figure doesn’t even cover the many couples that live together without marriage and whose unions are even more likely to dissolve. Relationships fail because people have the misconception about what to expect in marriage. The fantasy is that everything will be wonderful as long as you find the perfect person –your missing half . But marriage is a team sport . It’s one team with two people , with two different minds . The difficulty is that these two people disagree all the time . They need to know nondestructive ways of expressing differences and must also be prepared for the inevitable disappointments that come from living with another person.

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[简答题]We all know that we should take better care of ourselves, relax more, and have more fun at work (and elsewhere, as well) , but it’s easy to overlook the opportunities to do just that be cause of the daily work priorities that consume our lives. Here are some ideas for learning to take action in your work life.
[单项选择]Women can be a powerful force, capable of making smitten men do all sorts of things, including adjust the way they talk to more closely match a woman’s speech patterns.
Conversation partners aligning the way they speak is often thought to indicate affiliation between two people. Have a chat with someone who curses liberally, for example, and the likelihood is good that you’ll drop a swear word too. While matching linguistic styles is a documented phenomenon, what’s particularly interesting is that new research shows that higher levels of female fertility are linked to lower levels of linguistic matching from male conversation partners.
According to a study published last month in the journal PLoS ONE, researchers interpret this to mean that men are trying to distinguish themselves in the mating process by being unconventional. What’s more, they don’t seem to even realize they’re doing it.
Jacqueline Coyle, an adjunct professor of human factors and systems at Embry-Riddle
A. use the language that his conversation partner uses
B. try to show affection through language
C. adjust the way they talk to be more like the person he talks with
D. use the same pattern of conversation as his conversation partner
[简答题]Our age, as we all know, is a information age.
[单项选择]Our statistics show that we consume all that we are capable of producing( ).
A. waste
B. buy
C. use
D. sell
[填空题]Let’s turn our focus now to (36) . We all know what an advertisement is. It is essentially a message that (37) something for sale.
Now, there is an important precondition that must exist before you have advertising. That is a large supply of (38) goods, that is, things to sell. You see, in a place where a demand for a product is (39) than the supply, there’s no need to advertise. The early form of advertising goes back to many hundreds of years ago with a simple sign. There were shop doors that told you whether the shop was a bakery, a (40) shop or whatever. Then was the introduction of the printing craze. Advertising increased substantially as printings for products like coffee, tea and chocolate appeared in newspapers and other (41) as well as on the side of buildings. In the American (42) , advertising in communication’s media like newspapers and pamphlets became a major factor in (43) good


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