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发布时间:2024-05-24 19:26:38

[单项选择]Passage 4
When a member of an ethnic minority group acquires the behavior patterns, lifestyles, values, and language of the mainstream culture we say that he or she has become culturally assimilated. Since the dominant group controls most of the social, economic, and political institutions in a society, members of ethnic minority groups must acquire its cultural traits to move up the social and economic ladder. When studying this concept, it is important to learn that although non-White ethnic minorities may become totally assimilated culturally, they will still be victims of discrimination and racism because of their different physical characteristics.
A widespread myth is that Mexican Americans and Afro-Americans experience discrimination because they often have meager educations and live in ghettos. Even though it is true that man
A. still treated unfairly
B. still the victims of violence
C. accepted by the dominant group
D. having better education and happier lives

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[单项选择]Passage 4
When a member of an ethnic minority group acquires the behavior patterns, lifestyles, values, and language of the mainstream culture we say that he or she has become culturally assimilated. Since the dominant group controls most of the social, economic, and political institutions in a society, members of ethnic minority groups must acquire its cultural traits to move up the social and economic ladder. When studying this concept, it is important to learn that although non-White ethnic minorities may become totally assimilated culturally, they will still be victims of discrimination and racism because of their different physical characteristics.
A widespread myth is that Mexican Americans and Afro-Americans experience discrimination because they often have meager educations and live in ghettos. Even though it is true that man
A. Cultural Shock.
B. Social Institution.
C. Cultural Assimilation.
D. Forced Assimilation.
[单项选择]Passage Four
"When an individual enters a strange culture, he or she is like fish out of water." New comers feel at times that they do not’ belong and consequently may feel alienated from the native members of the culture. When this happens, visitors may want to reject everything about the new environment and may glorify and exaggerate the positive aspects of their own culture. Conversely, visitors may scorn their native country by rejecting its values and instead choosing to identify with (if only temporarily) the values of the new country.
Reactions to a new culture vary, but experience and research have shown that there are distinct stages in the adjustment process of foreign visitors. When leaving the comfortably secure environment of home, a person will naturally experience some stress and anxiety. The severity of cultural shock depend
A. cultural shock
B. individuals in a foreign culture
C. ways to adapt to a new culture
D. stages in the adjustment process in a foreign culture
[单项选择]The passage suggests that when jet streams interact with continents with few mountain ranges and plains, which of the following also happens
A. More "wandering" occurs in the jet stream than would probably occur over the ocean.
B. The continent in question heats and cools at a faster rate than it would without the jet stream.
C. The jet stream becomes more narrow and focused than it would be over the ocean.
D. The temperature of the jet stream is distributed more evenly than if the continent had more mountains.
E. The jet stream evinces more signs of being a thermally driven phenomenon than it does in other situations.
[单项选择]Passage Two
The ethnic group known as Ashkenazim is blessed with more than its fair share of talented minds, but is also prone to a number of serious genetic diseases. Researchers now suggest that intelligence is closely linked to several illnesses in Ashkenazi Jews, and that the diseases are the result of natural selection.
Ashkenazim are descended from Jewish communities in Germany, Austria, Poland, and Eastern Europe that date back to the 10th century. Today they make up approximately 80 percent of the world’s Jewish population.
Ashkenazim have the highest average IQ of any ethnic group, scoring 12 to 15 points above the European average. They are also strongly represented in fields and occupations requiring high cognitive ability. For instance, Jews of European ancestry account for 27 percent of U. S. Nobel science prize winners.A. more intelligent than other Jews
B. more likely to be sick than other Jews
C. endowed with natural ability because of genetic diseases
D. more likely to be born with genetic diseases
[单项选择]Passage Three
A. When they were not willing to appear shy.
B. When they were not willing to be inspected by their leader.
C. When they were not willing to be examined about their uniform.
D. When they were not willing to be found dirty.
[单项选择]When a member of an ethnic minority group acquires the behavior patterns, lifestyles, values, and language of the mainstream culture we say that he or she has become culturally assimilated. Since the dominant group controls most of the social, economic, and political institutions in a society, members of ethnic minority groups must acquire its cultural traits to move up the social and economic ladder. When studying this concept, it is important to learn that although non-White ethnic minorities may become totally assimilated culturally, they will still be victims of discrimination and racism because of their different physical characteristics.
A widespread myth is that Mexican Americans and Afro-Americans experience discrimination because they often have meager educations and live in ghettos. Even though it is true that many Blacks and Mexican Americans are members of the lower socioeconomic classes, and that all lower-class individuals are treated differently than middle-a
A. occupational failure
B. physical abuse
C. imprisonment
D. genocide


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