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发布时间:2024-03-29 19:02:16

[简答题]He _____ a few more boards from the cabinet to make the inside more spacious.
A. A.separated

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[填空题]The police were warned to be more careful when making their (investigate) ______.

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[填空题]Freud learned from Charcot everything he needed to know about how to cure mentally ill patients.

[单项选择]After his recovery from illness, he is determined to()what he had been doing to attain the goal.
A. assume
B. consume
C. presume
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[填空题]Upon graduation from university, he was assigned to work as Professor Stevenson’s()(assist)
[填空题]From which university did he graduate
He graduated from ______.

[填空题]From which university did he graduate He graduated from ______.
[填空题]From which university did he graduate
He graduated from ______.


Ronald Musoke is a college student from Uganda. He attends the College of Marin in California. Recently he got very excited about things he found in wastebaskets. What did he find He found outdated textbooks that had been thrown away. Some of the books had sold new for one hundred dollars. The old textbooks had been either discontinued or replaced by newer editions.
Uganda is a very poor country in Africa. When Musoke went to school in Uganda, there were never enough books. Sometimes five books were shared with one hundred fifty students. Musoke lived through the Ugandan civil war and the loss of twelve family members from AIDS.
Why is Musoke excited about the discarded textbooks He wants to send them to Uganda so women have the chance to get an education. The books will be used to pay for the women’s education. Musoke hopes that education will help lower the number of deaths from AIDS. Also, the books will help lower illiteracy in Uganda.
Other stud
A. didn’t use them in grade school
B. no one knew how to read
C. couldn’t afford enough books
D. were closed by the civil war

[填空题]Henry had to walk home from work because he missed the bus.
→Henry didn’t______the bus so he had to walk home from work.

[单项选择]How long has the man suffered from the symptoms he described
A. One week.
B. One month.
C. Two months.
D. Half a year.


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