发布时间:2023-11-15 21:32:32

[单项选择]Japan says its prime minister promised to provide the world with "maximum transparency" about _ accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant during ( ) telephone call.
A. the; a
B. the; the
C. an; the
D. an; a

更多"Japan says its prime minister promi"的相关试题:

[单项选择]British Prime Minister Tony Blair promised the electorate that guns would not be fired without an attempt to win a further U. N. sanction.
A. allies
B. delegates
C. voters
D. juries
[单项选择]Passage Two Modern Japan, despite its ready adoption of Western manners, is in things theatrical still faithful to the ancient feudal day. It is true that within the last few years, the old school drama has to some extent lost ground, and quite recently performances of Shakespeare’s Othello and Hamlet, and Daudet’s Sappho have been received with favor by Tokyo audiences. The explanation of this curious survival of the old form of play, at a time when all Japan is eagerly imitating the foreigner, is undoubtedly to be found in the peculiar customs of the country. The progressive Japanese finds it easier to change his mode of dress than to reform habits bred in the bone. The old plays, lasting, as they formerly did, from early morning until nearly midnight, just suited the Japanese play-goer, who, when he does go to the theatre, makes an all-day affair of it. Indeed, theatre-going in Japan is a very serious matter, and not to be entered upon lightly or without due preparatio
A. favors Shakespeare’s masterpieces
B. enjoys Japanese old school drama
C. appreciates Western classic theatre
D. likes performances of foreign styles

The World Health Organization (WHO) says its ten-year campaign to remove leprosy (麻风病) as a world health problem has been successful. Doctor Brundtland, head of the WHO, says a number of leprosy cases around the world has S1. ()been cut of ninety percent during the past ten years. She says S2. ()efforts are continuing to complete end the disease.S3. ()
Leprosy is caused by bacteria spread through liquid from the. nose and mouth. The disease mainly effects the skin and S4. ()nerves. However, if leprosy is not treated it can cause permanent damage for the skin, nerves, eyes, arms or legs.S5. ()In 1999, an international campaign began to end leprosy. The WHO, governments of countries most affected by the disease, and several other groups are part ’of the Campaign.
This alliance guarantees that all leprosy patients, even they S6. ()are poor, have a right to the most modern treatment,
Doctor Brundtland says leprosy is no longer a disease that requires lif


Modern Japan, despite its ready adoption of Western manners, is in things theatrical still faithful to the ancient feudal day. It is true that within the last few years, the old school drama has to some extent lost ground, and quite recently performances of Shakespeare’s Othello and Hamlet, and Daudet’s Sappho have been received with favor by Tokyo audiences.
The explanation of this curious survival of the old form of play, at a time when all Japan is eagerly imitating the foreigner, is undoubtedly to be found in the peculiar customs of the country. The progressive Japanese finds it easier to change his mode of dress than to reform habits bred in the bone. The old plays, lasting, as they formerly did, from early morning until nearly midnight, just suited the Japanese play-goer, who, when he does go to the theatre, makes an all-day affair of it. Indeed, theatre-going in Japan is a very serious matter, and not to be entered upon lightly or without due preparatio
A. the childhood of a naughty boy
B. the honeymoon of a young couple
C. the trial of a serial murderer
D. the misfortunes of a big family


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