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发布时间:2024-03-29 18:07:50


Mart’s story in China began many thousands of years ago. Remains of an early form of man discovered in China, known as Peking Man, indicate that Stone Age men lived in the area as long as 500,000 years ago. During the centuries that followed, their descendants laid the foundations of civilization in Chin

  • a.
    Throughout its history, China has been a rich source of inventions. Silk, the compass, tea and porcelain originated there. In addition, they are responsible for the invention of paper and printing. The Chinese had used ink as early as 1 200B.C. , an excellent type which they made from lampblack and which is known in English as India ink or China ink. By the end of the first centuryA.D. , the Chinese had invented paper.
    The Chinese also invented printing. Early Chinese printing is called block printing. The printer carved raised characters on a block of wood, wet the surface of the characters with ink, and pressed sheets of pap
    A. Movable type.
    B. Baked clay.
    C. Block printing.
    D. Wet ink.

更多"Mart’s story in China began m"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Mart’s story in China began many thousands of years ago. Remains of an early form of man discovered in China, known as Peking Man, indicate that Stone Age men lived in the area as long as 500,000 years ago. During the centuries that followed, their descendants laid the foundations of civilization in Chin
  • a.
    Throughout its history, China has been a rich source of inventions. Silk, the compass, tea and porcelain originated there. In addition, they are responsible for the invention of paper and printing. The Chinese had used ink as early as 1 200B.C. , an excellent type which they made from lampblack and which is known in English as India ink or China ink. By the end of the first centuryA.D. , the Chinese had invented paper.
    The Chinese also invented printing. Early Chinese printing is called block printing. The printer carved raised characters on a block of wood, wet the surface of the characters with ink, and pressed sheets of paper against them. Printers in the
    A. Movable type.
    B. Baked clay.
    C. Block printing.
    D. Wet ink.

Mart’s story in China began many thousands of years ago. Remains of an early form of man discovered in China, known as Peking Man, indicate that Stone Age men lived in the area as long as 500,000 years ago. During the centuries that followed, their descendants laid the foundations of civilization in Chin

  • a.
    Throughout its history, China has been a rich source of inventions. Silk, the compass, tea and porcelain originated there. In addition, they are responsible for the invention of paper and printing. The Chinese had used ink as early as 1 200B.C. , an excellent type which they made from lampblack and which is known in English as India ink or China ink. By the end of the first centuryA.D. , the Chinese had invented paper.
    The Chinese also invented printing. Early Chinese printing is called block printing. The printer carved raised characters on a block of wood, wet the surface of the characters with ink, and pressed sheets of pap
    A. foreigners
    B. following generations
    C. enemies
    D. fossilized remains
[单项选择]The Westlife story really began way back in December 1996 when the three original members of Westlife were performing in a local production of the musical Grease. Shane Filan, Kian Egan and Mark Feehilly were all born and bred in Sligo, a small town a few hours west of the Republic of Ireland’s capital city, Dublin. During breaks the three would get together and sing covers of some of their favorite songs including Boyz Ⅱ Men’s I Make Love To You. The reaction to their singing was so positive that they decided to form a band as soon as they had finished their exams at school. This they duly did and on July 3 1997 they formed I.O.U.
The boys organized concerts in the area and even produced their own CDs to sell locally. This local success led to an appearance on TV that was to prove extremely important. Among the viewers who saw the trio perform in a children’s hospital was Boyzone’s manager, Louis Walsh. Soon after Shane’s mother contacted him about I.O.U. and found he had been de
A. the name of a five-member group.
B. the name of an outstanding group.
C. the name which will soon become popular.
D. the name which will never be forgot.


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