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发布时间:2023-10-29 06:08:41

[填空题]Those welfare families moved to Charlotte’s neighborhood, which makes situation even worse.

更多"Those welfare families moved to Cha"的相关试题:

[填空题]Those welfare families moved to Charlotte’s neighborhood, which makes situation even worse.
[填空题]Many of those welfare families consist of ______.

[简答题]{{B}}Should We Build a Shopping Mall in the Neighborhood {{/B}} {{I}} In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriacy. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. Write your composition on ANSWER SHEET FOUR. {{/I}}
[填空题]Welfare-based societies invariably become bankrupt.

[填空题]Skeptics have debated whether welfare rights, including those to medical care or employment training,________solidarity and fellow-feeling, or whether they erode initiative and________dependency.
A. A.decrease ... encourage
B.affect ... reject
C.retract ... invite
D.control ... diminish
E.express ... inculcate

Many critics of the current welfare system argue that existing welfare regulations foster family instability. They maintain that those regulations, which exclude most poor husband and wife families from Aid to Families with Dependent Children assistance grants, contribute to the problem of family dissolution. Thus, they conclude that expanding the set of families eligible for family assistance plans or guaranteed income measures would result in a marked strengthening of the low-income family structure. If all poor families could receive welfare, would the incidence of instability change markedly The unhappily married couple, in most cases, remain together out of a sense of economic responsibility for their children, because of the high costs of separation, or because of the consumption benefits of marriage. The formation, maintenance, and dissolution of the
A. those regulations encourage family dissolution
B. the low-income families are not given enough family assistance grants
C. they expand the set of families eligible for family assistance
D. the guaranteed income measures are increased

Under pressure from animal welfare groups, two national science teachers associations have adopted guidelines that ban classroom experiments harming animals. The National Association of Biology Teachers and the National Science Teachers Association hope to end animal abuse in elementary and secondary schools and, in turn, discourage students from mishandling animals in home experiments and science fair projects.
Animal welfare groups are apparently most concerned with high school students experimenting with animals in extracurricular projects. Barbara Orlans, President of the Scientists’ Center for Animal Welfare, said that students have been performing surgery at random, testing known poisonous substances, and running other pathology experiments on animals without even knowing normal physiology.
At one science fair, a student cut off the leg and tail of a lizard to demonstrate that only the tail can regenerate, she said. In another case, a student bound spa
A. Science Teachers to Ban Testing Harmful to Animals
B. Teachers’ Policy Change in Experiment on Animals
C. The New Policies of Banning Harmful Experiments to Animals
D. The Importance of Prohibiting Harmful Experiments on Animals

[单项选择]People have good reason to care about the welfare of animals. Ever since the Enlightenment, their treatment has been seen as a measure of mankind’s humanity. It is no coincidence that William Wilberforce and Sir Thomas Foxwell Buxton, two leaders of the movement to abolish the slave trade, helped found the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in the 1820s. An increasing number of people go further: mankind has a duty not to cause pain to animals that have the capacity to suffer. Both views have led people gradually to extend treatment once reserved for mankind to other species.
But when everyday lives are measured against such principles, they are fraught with contradictions. Those who would never dream of caging their cats and dogs guzzle bacon and eggs from ghastly factory farms. The abattoir and the cattle truck are secret places safely hidden from the meat-eater’s gaze and the child’s story book. Plenty of people who denounce the fur-trade (much of which is f
A. Even if they deplore the activitist’s use of intimidation and violence, animal lovers everywhere can sure rejoice today.
B. Science does not deserve to be the target of protests, whatever you think of animal rights.
C. Over the years something good has come from the campaign against the animal industry.
D. It is a sensible move that Darley Oaks makes up its loss of guinea pigs with turkeys or dairy cows.


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