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发布时间:2023-11-05 00:11:53

[简答题]In certain remote corners of the Old World you may sometimes stumble upon little places which seem to have been forgotten among the general tumult and which have stayed still while all around them moves. The inhabitants are mostly very ignorant and very poor; they take no part in affairs of government, and often governments oppress them. But yet they seem serene and often have a jovial disposition.
In America I have seen the freest and best educated of men in circumstances the happiest to be found in the world; yet it seemed to me that a cloud habitably hung on their brow, and they seemed serious and almost sad even in their pleasures.
The chief reason for this is that the former do not give a moment’s thought to the ills they endure. whereas the latter never stop thinking of the good things they have not got.
It is odd to watch with what feverish ardor the Americans pursue prosperity and how they are ever tormented by the shadowy suspicion that they may not have c

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To whom you may send your email.
You may send your email to your friends who () in it.

[填空题]You may think you can get away with neglecting your responsibilities, but events will _____.
[简答题]When you cut yourself, you bleed; you may even bleed to death if nothing is done to stop your bleeding, for your body cannot live without blood. The blood is carried in your arteries (动脉) and veins (静脉). Until doctors knew how blood moves round in the body, they could not tell accurately the different parts of the body function.

[简答题]When you are looking for work, you may occasionally feel rejected. But bear in mind that somebody out there is just as anxious to find employees as you are to find a job. In fact, American corporations spend roughly $ 11.5 billion annually trying to find the talent they need. Somewhere an employer is looking for someone with your skills, values, interests, and qualifications.

[简答题]If you try to master every Subject you may become very wise,but you Will be very lonely and you will probably lose all your friends.(passage3)
[单项选择]You may come into an empty office after you are told that the school principal is expecting you in her office; you may be called at the last minute to come to class after you were told that the class is cancelled for the teacher’s illness; you may even be given a loving letter, and then find out later it is written by some of your best friends, what is wrong Nothing, it’s just April 1st.
We all know April 1st can also be called April fool’s Day. But do you know where it came from Do you know this day used to be a nation’s New Year
This is the case in France in sixteenth-century, which, when you think about it, may make more sense, for April is the time when spring returns. And the idea of beginning a year with spring would so easily be understood. The celebration for the New Year is pretty much the same as it is today. People hold and join all sorts of parties, singing and dancing into the late night.
Then in 1562, a new calendar was introduced by Pope Gregory f
A. criticize the lack of good manners of the American school kids
B. warn us not to believe others without confirmation
C. highlight the idea that we should be nice to those people around us
D. introduce the of April Fool’s Day in an way that would interest the readers
[单项选择]I must warn you that you may find parts of this article rather difficult to understand. Wait! The sentence you have just read is quite untrue. But that isn’t why you were irritated by it. It was, of course, also insulting and few people enjoy being insulted. By reading this article you are making the claim that you are the sort of person who will understand it; my opening sentence questioned your claim, and that is what made it insulting. In other words, an insult occurs whenever one person denies some aspect of identity which another is claiming, explicitly or otherwise.
When describing the course of a disease, pathologists often talk of the body organizing its defences in response to a biological insult. But in everyday life we use the term only when the rules which govern social encounters are breached in the manner described. For social interaction to work it is essential that the participants respect the "face" of all involved. "Face" refers to the public image which a person
A. So that people can talk freely to each other
B. To allow the adoption of new roles
C. To maintain an acceptable pattern of behaviour
D. So that people can understand one another better


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