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发布时间:2024-05-26 05:03:12

{{B}}Passage One{{/B}}
So now you may be asking what is the difference between green tea and the black tea you are used to drinking. Both teas come from the same plant; the difference is the way the different teas are processed. The green tea is not fermented (发酵) before it has been dried. Because of the shorter processing time the green tea has a lighter flavor than the black tea. Green tea is good for you because the processing keeps all the beneficial elements left in the tea.
Green tea doesn’t taste anything like the tea you usually drink. Most green tea drinkers do not add milk or sugar, but you can ff you like. Green tea has been described as having a light, fresh, green flavor. Some of the various green teas have just a little sweetness taste to them. Others are a little more astringent(涩味的). There are several different varieties of
A. the grocery store doesn’t classify its tea goods
B. local Asian food store has more tea types for choosing
C. green tea is only produced in Asia
D. Gunpowder and Dragon Well are both famous black teas

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{{B}}Passage One{{/B}}
So now you may be asking what is the difference between green tea and the black tea you are used to drinking. Both teas come from the same plant; the difference is the way the different teas are processed. The green tea is not fermented (发酵) before it has been dried. Because of the shorter processing time the green tea has a lighter flavor than the black tea. Green tea is good for you because the processing keeps all the beneficial elements left in the tea.
Green tea doesn’t taste anything like the tea you usually drink. Most green tea drinkers do not add milk or sugar, but you can ff you like. Green tea has been described as having a light, fresh, green flavor. Some of the various green teas have just a little sweetness taste to them. Others are a little more astringent(涩味的). There are several different varieties of
A. is too hard to be produced
B. doesn’t need to be dried
C. is much heavy in weight
D. is much natural and beneficial

Passage One
Global warming may or may not be the great environmental crisis of the 21st century, but — regardless of whether it is or isn’t — we won’t do much about it. We will argue over it and may even, as a nation, make some fairly solemn-sounding commitments to avoid it. But the more dramatic and meaningful these commitments seem, the less likely they are to be observed.
Al Gore calls global warming an "inconvenient truth," as if merely recognizing it could put us on a path to a solution. But the real truth is that we don’t know enough to relieve global warming, and — without major technological breakthroughs — we can’t do much about it.
From 2003 to 2050, the world’s population is projected to grow from 6.4 billon to 9.1 billion, a 42% increase. If energy use per person and technology remain the same, total energy use and greenhouse gas emissions (mainly, CO2 )will be 420/0 higher in 2050
A. It may not prove an environmental crisis at all.
B. It is an issue requiring worldwide commitments.
C. Serious steps have been taken to avoid or stop it.
D. Very little will be done to bring it under control.

Passage One
If you dream in color, you’re not alone: the majority of people today claim to have. colorful dreams. But it wasn’t ’always thus. Research conducted in the early part of the last century consistently found that people reported dreaming most often in black and white. According to Eva Murzyn at the University of Dundee, there are at least two possible explanations for this strange anomaly(反常).
The first is methodological. The early studies tended to use questionnaires, whereas more modern studies use dream diaries (filled in upon rising in the morning) or so-called "REM-awakening", which involves interrupting people’s dream-filled periods of sleep to find out what they were dreaming about. People’s memories of their dreams are likely to be less accurate using the questionnaire approach and more likely to reflect lay(世俗的) beliefs
A. people’s dreams were not completed
B. people can’t remember their dreams exactly
C. it has no connection with people’s diaries
D. it provides too many choices for people to choose
[单项选择]Passage One   Have you ever dreamed of visiting a planet in the Milk Way While the trip sounds exciting, it would take years and years to reach your destination. So in the future, bedtime for astronauts may be more than a few hours of regular shut-eye. They would have to sleep for years.   European researchers are now conducting hibernation experiments. The study may help them understand whether humans could ever sleep through the years it would take for a space flight to distant planets. “If there was an effective technology, it could make deep-space travel a reality,” said Mark Ayre of the European Space Agency last month.   What seems like science fiction is not completely unlikely. Researchers have been able to use chemicals to put living cells into a sleep-like state where they don’t age. They have now moved on to small, non-hibernating mammals like rats. The results will be out by the end of 2009.   A major challenge is the fact that cells can be very simple systems, wher
A. ensure astronauts to get a complete sleep
B. find the secret of some creatures
C. make preparations for the journey to Jupiter’s moon Callisto
D. know if man can sleep for years


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