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发布时间:2024-05-27 18:02:22

Virus Linked to Prostate (前列腺) Tumours

The researchers from the University of Utah and Columbia University medical schools found the virus in 27% of the 200 cancerous prostates they looked at. They say it was associated with more aggressive tumours and found in only 6% of non - cancerous prostates. The finding raises the prospect of one day producing a vaccine to protect against prostate cancer. This is the first report to link XMRV (Xenotropic murine leukaemia virus--related virus) to human cancers.
XMRV is a retrovirus like HIV which works by inserting a copy of its own DNA into the chromosomes (染色体) of a cell they infect. When this occurs to a gene that regulates cell growth, it can disrupt the normal development of the cell.
Dr Helen Rippon, Head of Research Management at The Prostate Cancer Charity, said the research was intriguing (吸引人的) but posed several key questions about the role the infection plays in prostate cancer.
A. The link between XMRV and human cancers is found out by researchers in two universities.
B. It is the first time that researchers have discovered XMRV.
C. There is no vaccine to prevent cervical cancer.
D. There is a vaccine to prevent prostate cancer.

更多"Virus Linked to Prostate (前列腺) Tumo"的相关试题:

Virus Linked to Prostate (前列腺) Tumours

The researchers from the University of Utah and Columbia University medical schools found the virus in 27% of the 200 cancerous prostates they looked at. They say it was associated with more aggressive tumours and found in only 6% of non - cancerous prostates. The finding raises the prospect of one day producing a vaccine to protect against prostate cancer. This is the first report to link XMRV (Xenotropic murine leukaemia virus--related virus) to human cancers.
XMRV is a retrovirus like HIV which works by inserting a copy of its own DNA into the chromosomes (染色体) of a cell they infect. When this occurs to a gene that regulates cell growth, it can disrupt the normal development of the cell.
Dr Helen Rippon, Head of Research Management at The Prostate Cancer Charity, said the research was intriguing (吸引人的) but posed several key questions about the role the infection plays in prostate cancer.
A. A kind of prostate cancer.
B. A vaccine against prostate cancer.
C. A kind of aggressive tumor.
D. A virus found in some of cancerous prostates.
A. 人绒毛膜促性腺激素
B. 人胎盘生乳素
C. 雌激素
D. 孕激素
E. 前列腺素
[单项选择]According to the Wharton Center for Applied Research in the US, professionals (专业人员) spend an average of 23 hours a week in meetings. But they consider only 58% of that time worthwhile. It doesn’t have to be this way. Here is some advice for you to use meetings to advance your career, not eat up your productivity (工作效率):
1)Know what you want. Know precisely why the meeting is being held and decide what you intend to accomplish. If you cannot write these two things down, the meeting should not take place.
2) Figure out if a face-to-face meeting is necessary. Would a group email be sufficient Or a couple of phone calls These ways would probably be more efficient with colleagues you know. well.
3) Pick the right times. If possible, avoid arranging meetings during your peak productive hours.
4) Be prepared. If there are documents to be discussed, hand them out to participants the day before.
5) Set aside a certain amount of time each week for meetings, and stick to
A. know what you want
B. improve your productivity
C. spend more hours on meetings
D. know why the meeting is held

Computer Virus and Virus Scan
A computer virus is a software program that attaches itself to another program in computer memory or on a disk, and spreads from one program to another. Viruses can damage data, cause computers to crash, display offending or bothersome messages, or lie dormant (保持静止的状态) until such time they are set to "awaken". In today’s industry, scanning is no longer considered to be an extravagance--but a necessity. Computer viruses no longer attack your computing environment only but all other computing environments which you contact. Computer viruses can attach themselves to the files being used and later propagate (复制) themselves through disks and files. Important information and hardware losses could plague (瘟疫,烦扰) your computing environment should you not take the proper precautions.
Many anti-virus products, such as Virus Scan, hold up the list of proper precautions. Scheduled periodic scans of your computing environme

[单项选择]There are a number of formats for reporting research, such as articles to appear in journals, reports addressed to funding agencies, theses or dissertations as part of the requirements for university degrees, and papers to be presented at conferences. These formats differ from one another mostly in their purposes and the audiences whom they address. We will now briefly describe them.
The journal article is a way of reporting research for professional journals or edited collections. The research is reporting in a brief, yet informative way, focusing mostly on the main features of the research such as the purpose, review of the literature (often referred to as "background"), procedures used for carrying out the research accompanied by tables, charts, and graphs, and interpretations of the results (often referred to as discussion).
The content and emphasis of the journal article will vary according to the intended readers (research or practitioners) and it is important for the r
A. Types of Research Reports
B. Types of Journal Articles
C. Writing of research Reports
D. Writing of Different Articles
[填空题]Begun in the late 1960s by Pentagon weapons researchers as a system for easing
communication between computers in disparate electric networks, the Internet has evolved (1) ______
into a popular vehicle for scientific research, communication, entertainment, and more. It
links together thousands of computer networks such as those belonging to corporations, (2) ______
commercial services, universities, and research centers, joining them as branches on a tree
to larger networks known as backbones. Once a computer is on-line, that is, connected by
modem or networking equipment of the Internet, the user can search through data banks (3) ______
for documents, chat with other computer users, or instant send opinions and observations (4) ______
to the likes of President Bill Clinton, film critic Roger Ebert, or rocker Billy Idol (just to name
a few). No central governing body runs the Internet, and nobody has an exact census of (5) ____


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