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发布时间:2024-03-29 04:32:49

[填空题]What’s her age now?
She is () old.

更多"What’s her age now? She is () old."的相关试题:

[填空题]What’s her age now
She is () old.

What did her parents want her to be before she went to college
[简答题]What was the trouble when she got her first job
[单项选择]What does she want to do for her 106th
A. She wants to meet pop singer.
B. She wants to meet a superstar.
C. She wants to see a movie star.
D. She wants to see a movie.
[单项选择]She refused to disclose what had been told her, on the ( ) that it would be a breach of faith.
A. reason
B. accounts
C. terms
D. grounds

What did the woman’s dentist tell her
A. Tooth transplants were expensive.
B. People were working on tooth transplants.
C. Tooth transplants had been successful.
D. Tooth transplants had failed.
[单项选择]What bothers Nacy about her neighbor’s son
A. He drives too fast.
B. He plays his guitar too loudly.
C. His radio wakes her children.
D. His friends are too noisy.
[简答题]So now she stayed at home with Benjamin and helped him with the housework. The eleven went out into the forest and caught game and deer and birds and pigeons as food for them all, and their sister and Benjamin saw to the preparation of it. She fetched the wood for the cooking and picked fresh vegetables and put the pots on the fire, so that there was always a meal ready when the eleven came home. She looked after the little house in other ways too, and made up the beds with spotless white linen, and her brothers were always contented and they all lived very peacefully with her.

[单项选择]What’s the woman’s advice to her son()
A. Stop thinking about the matter.
B. Talk the drug user out of the habit.
C. Be more friendly to his schoolmate.
D. Keep his distance from drug addicts.
What is the woman’s first suggestion to her hus-band
A. He should start with a light workout.
B. He should go to have a check-up.
C. He should eat less fatty foods.
D. He should visit a fitness trainer.
[填空题]Laura thinks she has the ______ for her to do what elected officials do without running for that herself.

[单项选择]What do Nancy’s parents want her to be
A. A scientist.
B. A teacher.
C. An artist.
[单项选择]What did Martha’s father think about her plan
A. There were some good and original ideas in the plan.
B. Martha was totally wasting her time.
C. There were just some useless ideas in her plan.
What did the woman do in her friend’s house
[单项选择]What is her favorite animal
A. Beef.
B. Chips.
C. Eggs.


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