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发布时间:2023-10-06 12:57:43

[简答题]JIT,就是Just In Time,即准时化送货,又可称作同步生产,看板供应。( )

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[判断题]分销物流中 JIT方式,就是 Just In Time,即准时化送货,又可称作同步生产,看板供应。客户企业实行零库存生产,不设仓库,但供应商有仓库,并按需送货。

海尔的JIT策略 JIT(just in time)即准时制,海尔通过JIT策略获取了竞争优势。
1、JIT采购 何时需要就何时采购,采购的是订单,不是库存,是需求拉动采购。这就会对采购提出较高的要求,要求原有的供应网络要比较完善,可以保证随时需要随时能采购得到。
2、JIT生产 JIT生产也是生产订单,不生产库存。顾客下了订单以后,企业开始生产,并在五天或者六天交货,在这个期限内可以安排生产计划。生产计划完成需要怎样的原料供应,只要原料供应的进度能够保证,生产计划就会如期完成。
3、JIT配送 海尔配送流程跟传统的物流做法不一样,它完全是一体化的运作,而且海尔物流跟一般企业的物流还有比较大的差别,海尔对物流高度重视,并把它提升到战略高度,也很舍得投资,去过海尔现场观察的人都会对它的立体仓储挑指称赞。流程化、数字化、一体化,是三个JIT流程的一个基本特色。
1、全球统一采购 海尔产品所需的材料有1.5万个品种,这1.5万个品种的原材料基本上要进行统一采购,而且是全球范围的采购,这样做不仅能达到规模经济,而且要寻找全球范围的最低价格。所以它的JIT采购是全球范围里最低价格进行统一采购,采购价格的降低对物流成本的降低有非常直接的影响。
2、招标竞价 海尔每年的采购金额差不多有100多亿人民币,它通过竞标、竞价,把采购价格下降 5%。每年下降100亿的5%就可以直接提高利润,或者说其价格在市场上就更有竞争力。
3、网络优化供应商 网络优化供应商就是通过网络,通过IT平台在全球选择和评估供应商。网络优化供应商比单纯压价要重要得多,因为它的选择余地很大,真正国际化的企业在国际大背景下运作,就可以有很多资源供它选择。海尔的JIT采购实现了网络化、全球化和规模化,采取统一采购,而且是用招标竞标的方式来不断地寻求物流采购成本的降低。

[单项选择]Just-in-Time(JIT) techniques have received considerable attention and discussion in recent years in all areas related to supply chain management. Sometimes referred to as just-in-time purchasing, and frequently referred to as just-in-time delivery, the goal of JIT is to time-phase activities so that purchased materials and components arrive at the manufacturing or assembly point just at the time they are required for the transformation process. Ideally, raw material and work- in-process inventories are minimized as a result of reducing or eliminating reserve stocks. The key to JIT operations is that demand for components and materials depends on the finalized production schedule. Requirements can be determined by focusing on the finished product being manufactured. Once the production schedule is established, just-in-time arrival of components and materials can be planned to coincide with those requirements, resulting in reduced handling and minimal inventories. The implications of JIT
A. partly completed products
B. products being assembled
C. semi-manufactured products
D. made-up products
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While most people know they have to have sunscreen whenever they’re in the sun for more than a few minutes, there’s a lot of confusion about the relative merits and risks of tanning salons. Promoters say tanning machines are healthy because they emit mostly ultraviolet (紫外线) A (UVA) rays, which cause most sunburns. But dermatologists say t
A. enjoy tanning themselves
B. want to make them look healthy
C. don’t know the risk of tanning
D. are affected a lot by their parents


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