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发布时间:2024-05-18 05:43:52

[单项选择]There is a window in the office where I work that overlooks the playground next door. Seated at my desk, I can look out this window and am rewarded with a most delightful view. Several times during the day, the students at the elementary school are released to the always ready play are A. Children of many colors and sizes romp around the grounds, whooping and hollering and carrying on as children do. I see swings flying in the air, teeter totters balancing precariously on end, big robber balls earning new bruises on the blacktop. In the foreground are picnic benches under an aging oak tree, where little girls come to share secrets and little boys sneak up from behind to steal them away.The boy was ______.
A. crying B. playing C. soliloquizing D. cleaning his shoes

更多"There is a window in the office whe"的相关试题:

[单项选择]There is a window in the office where I work that overlooks the playground next door. Seated at my desk, I can look out this window and am rewarded with a most delightful view. Several times during the day, the students at the elementary school are released to the always ready play are A. Children of many colors and sizes romp around the grounds, whooping and hollering and carrying on as children do. I see swings flying in the air, teeter totters balancing precariously on end, big robber balls earning new bruises on the blacktop. In the foreground are picnic benches under an aging oak tree, where little girls come to share secrets and little boys sneak up from behind to steal them away.Out of the window, the author can see the following EXCEPT ______.
A. a playground B. middle school students
C. playing equipment D. plants
[简答题]I’ve come to the San Jose office park where eBay is housed to nose around and figure out what makes this business apparently immune to the dot-com curse. Whitman has promised to transform eBay from an online auction house into a much bigger, general-purpose shopping destination -- the first place people turn when they want to buy, well, anything at all. Analysts, who applaud this strategy and are reassured by Whitman’s record, see eBay as the one company that really taps into the boundless Potential of the internet. There’s truth in that. EBay owns no inventory or warehouses, which helps make it highly profitable. It has cleverly used e-mail, message boards, and the natural watchfulness of its virtual community to forge bonds with customers and police the behavior of its buyers and sellers. Its Website enables small sellers to participate in a vast market place -- and lets eBay collect fees on even the tiniest of transactions. Long after investors gave up on other dot-coins hammered th

Woman: Where do you work
Man: I work for ABC, a manufacturing company.
Woman: What exactly do you do
Man: I need to check the quality of the storage facilities.

In which department does the man work( ).
A. quality control
B. warehouse
C. packing line
[简答题]I’ ve come to the San Jose office park where eBay is housed to nose around and figure out what makes this business apparently immune to the dot-com curse. Whitman has promised to transform eBay from an online auction house into a much bigger, general-purpose shopping destination B the first place people turn when they want to buy, well, anything at all. Analysts, who applaud this strategy and are reassured by Whitman’s record, see eBay as the one company that really taps into the boundless Potential of the internet. There’s truth in that. EBay owns no inventory or warehouses, which helps make it highly profitable. It has cleverly used e-mail, message hoards, and the natural watchfulness of its virtual community to forge bonds with customers and police the behavior of its buyers and sellers. Its Website enables small sellers to participate in a vast market place -- and lets eBay collect few on even the tiniest of trisections. Long alter investors gave up on other dot-coma hammered their
[单项选择]The New Office
Where would you rather do your work: a nine coffeehouse or a busy office More and more, people are able to do their work with a good cup of coffee in the friendly environment of their local coffeehouse. With a powerful laptop and a mobile phone, it isn’t necessary to be tied to a desk any more.
Next time you’re out for a coffee, look around you. That man in the corner could be an advertising executive writing an advertisement that you’ll be seeing on TV in the near future. That woman in a dark coat talking to a man could be discussing his pension. And the young woman typing away could be finishing a business proposal. it’s certainly a new world, and you could join it more easily than you think.
According to a survey, 7.6 million Americans now work at home or away from a traditional office. Many organizations realize that people like working away from the office and are trying to create incentives to encourage more people to telecommute. As well as m
A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Doesn’t say


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