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发布时间:2023-10-21 09:43:33

[单项选择]Until recently, mobile radio was to wireless communications what the Yugo was to transportation. With a mixed clientele ranging from truckers using CBs to police armed with walkie-talkies to taxi drivers dispatched by radio, it was viewed as an unglamorous business and a technological backwater.
But specialized mobile radio, as it is known, has been rediscovered. It is now considered one of the biggest prizes in the all-out war for the public airwaves. The reason: high-tech companies have figured out how to profitably rebuild the antiquated dispatching system into an advanced cellular-telephone network that can take on the likes of AT & T and the giant Baby Bells. Upstart Nextel Communications sent shock waves through the industry last week when it agreed to buy Motorola’s SMR frequencies for $1.8 billion.
That could pose a serious threat to cellular hegemony. Although both systems are based on the same basic technology, SMR systems are digital and cover almost 25 times as mu
A. Its technological features have radically changed.
B. It has been rebuilt to cater to various subscribers.
C. Its dimensions have been reduced by wide margins.
D. It was connected to a greater variety of services.

更多"Until recently, mobile radio was to"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Until recently, mobile radio was to wireless communications what the Yugo was to transportation. With a mixed clientele ranging from truckers using CBs to police armed with walkie-talkies to taxi drivers dispatched by radio, it was viewed as an unglamorous business and a technological backwater.
But specialized mobile radio, as it is known, has been rediscovered. It is now considered one of the biggest prizes in the all-out war for the public airwaves. The reason: high-tech companies have figured out how to profitably rebuild the antiquated dispatching system into an advanced cellular-telephone network that can take on the likes of AT & T and the giant Baby Bells. Upstart Nextel Communications sent shock waves through the industry last week when it agreed to buy Motorola’s SMR frequencies for $1.8 billion.
That could pose a serious threat to cellular hegemony. Although both systems are based on the same basic technology, SMR systems are digital and cover almost 25 times as mu
A. its prohibitive retail prices.
B. its operational convenience.
C. its wider coverage areas.
D. its small storage capacity.
[单项选择]Text 2
Until recently, mobile radio was to wireless communications what the Yugo was to transportation. With a mixed clientele ranging from truckers using CBs to police armed with walkie-talkies to taxi drivers dispatched by radio, it was viewed as an unglamorous business and a technological backwater.
But specialized mobile radio, as it is known, has been rediscovered. It is now considered one of the biggest prizes in the all-out war for the public airwaves. The reason: high-tech companies have figured out how to profitably rebuild the antiquated dispatching system into an advanced cellular-telephone network that can take on the likes of AT & T and the giant Baby Bells. Upstart Nextel Communications sent shock waves through the industry last week when it agreed to buy Motorola’s SMR frequencies for $1.8 billion.
That could pose a serio
A. Its technological features have radically changed.
B. It has been rebuilt to cater to various subscribers.
C. Its dimensions have been reduced by wide margins.
D. It was connected to a greater variety of services.
[单项选择]It was not until 1920 ( ) regular radio broadcasts began.
A. that
B. since
C. when
D. while

1 Communication technology influences the ways in which we think about the world.It changes the things we think about,the symbols we use to form and communicate ideas, and the arenas in which our thoughts develop.In the history of communication, there have been many revolutionary technologies, among them the printing press in the fifteenth century and electronic media in the nineteenth century.
2 The development of writing was a major advancement in the ability to communicate over distances and to preserve information accurately.Writing conveyed knowledge of the arts and sciences, which provided foundations for other areas of investigation.However, before books and the printing press, written language was limited to a few clay tablets and parchment scrolls.It was not until books became available that writing made a major impact.For centuries,books were rare and expensive because ea
[单项选择]Advertising is different from other forms of communication in that the advertisers pay for the message to be delivered.
A. 广告与其他的交际方式不同,因为发布广告的人要为所传递的信息付出代价。
B. 广告与其他的交际方式不同,因为发布广告的人要为所传递的信息支付费用。
C. 广告同其他的通信方式不同,因为发布广告的人要为所传递的信息支付费用。
D. 广告与其他的通信方式不同,因为发布广告的人要为所传递的信息付出代价。

Insurance companies provide a service to the community by protecting it against expected and unexpected disasters. Before an insurance company will agree to (1) anything, it collects accurate figures about the (2) . It knows, for example, that the risk of a man being killed in a plane accident is less than the risk he (3) in crossing a busy road. This (4) it to quote low figures for travel insurance. Sometimes the risk may be high, as in motorracing or mountaineering. Then the company (5) a much higher price. (6) too many climbers have accidents, the price rises still further. If the majority of climbers fall off mountains, the company will (7) to insure them.
An ordinary householder may wish to protect his home against fire or his (8) against burglary. A shop keeper may wish to insure against (9) . In (10) cases, the company will check its statistics and quote a premium. If it is
A. premium
B. price
C. relief
D. property


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