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发布时间:2024-03-29 20:05:32

[填空题]Only by working in the evenings and at weekends __________________(他才在最后期限前完成了他的硕士论文).

更多"Only by working in the evenings and"的相关试题:

[填空题]Only by working at evenings and weekends ________________(他才能完成报告) by the deadline.

[填空题]Only by working in the evenings and at weekends __________________(他才在最后期限前完成了他的硕士论文).

[填空题]Prison terms to be served on weekends only are most welcomed by the offenders.
[填空题]Prison terms to be served on weekends only are ______.

[填空题]______to be served on weekends only are a new way of using the old types of punishment.

What is the problem with working at home only
There isn’t enough ()interaction.

[简答题]Trung and Pham were working together as the only two partners in an unlimited partnership. Their main business was the provision of building and renovation services to commercial properties. Their biggest project was carrying out improvements on a hotel in their city. In ordering building materials needed for the work to be done, Trung placed an order for an excessive volume of materials in order to carry out work on his own behalf with the excess materials. The intention was to make a personal profit without Pham being aware of this. However, Pham discovered that the excessive order had been placed and demanded that Trung give full details of this and any other transactions he had entered into. Trung refused to provide this information and resigned from the partnership immediately, stating that he would bear no further liability for the partnership’s obligations. Only half of the work necessary to complete the hotel project has been done. Required: (a) Advise whether Trung can
When does the supermarket close on weekends
[单项选择]When does Silver Fitness close on weekends
A. 8:00
B. 9:00
C. 10:00
D. 11:00
[填空题]The Taj Mahal is to open on moonlit evenings 20 years after security fears ended night visits. India’s Supreme Court will allow the famous{{U}} (36) {{/U}}to love to open four nights a month, {{U}} (37) {{/U}}for three months. The Taj, built in the 1600s by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan as a{{U}} (38) {{/U}}for his wife, is a World{{U}} (39) {{/U}}site. Only 400 visitors will be let in each night, and parking restrictions will be{{U}} (40) {{/U}}around the site. The Supreme Court{{U}} (41) {{/U}}came as state officials in Uttar Pradesh were celebrating the Taj’s 350th{{U}} (42) {{/U}}close to its site in the city of Agra. "This reopening of the Taj for moonlight viewing is going to draw{{U}} (43) {{/U}}crowds from across the globe," State tourism minister Kaukab Hamid said, "{{U}} (44) {{/U}}. Tourist chiefs said more than 300,000 foreigners visited the Taj Mahal site in 2003, but numbers are down since the terror attacks in the U


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