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发布时间:2023-10-21 20:40:01

[填空题]·is popular in the south

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The North-South Conflict
The North-South conflict derives its name from the simple fact that, almost without exception, the wealthy nations of the world are in the Northern Hemisphere and the poorer nations lie to their south. Generally speaking, the North consists of the United States, Canada, Europe excluding Albania, Israel, Russia and the other newly independent former Soviet republics (although this is a matter of debate), Japan, South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand. The remaining states of the world, numbering over 110, are the South.
The South has been and is described by many terms -- the Third World, the Developing World, and the Less Developed Countries (LDCs), to name just a few. Again speaking in general terms the countries of the South share two attributes: they have had a colonial past dominated by European powers and they are poor.
Despite obtaining formal independence, many Developing World states have discovered to their chagr

[单项选择]Why is the book popular
A. Readers can’t forget the hero.
B. The hero gave up his life.
C. The author wrote wonderfully.
[单项选择]Why are upright pianos popular
A. Jazz and popular music sound better on them.
B. They sound as good as grand pianos.
C. They are easy to move around.
D. They occupy space.
[简答题] South Africa: good at sports
[单项选择]Supersize SurpriseThe popular belief about obesity is that ______ .
[A] it makes us sleepy
[B] it causes sleep loss
[C] it increases our appetite
[D] it results from lack of sleep
[单项选择]Popular ideological assumptions about society change with the decades, as well as with the enlargement of knowledge. The analysis of the human genetic code published last week demonstrates that humans, genetically speaking, axe only twice as complicated as the fruit fly, and among them- selves share 99.9 percent of their genes.
Culture and nurture count in making us what we turn out to be, although that will perhaps come as no great surprise to those outside the close world of academic theory.
This part of the rediscovery of the wheel, since before positivism largely took over the social sciences in American universities in the 1950s, it was generally assumed by professors. As well as laymen, that culture had a great deal to do with how material civilization developed. Transcendentalist philosophers thought schooling and rigorous book learning put unnatural restraints on children:" We are shut up in schools and college recitation rooms for 10 or 15 years and come out at l
A. They were equally complicated in terms of gene.
B. Humans were much more genetically complicated than the fruit fly, genetically speaking.
C. Humans were twice as complicated as the fruit fly in gene.
D. The fruit fly was less stably than humans in the structure of genes.
[单项选择]Attacking an increasingly popular Internet business practice, a consumer watchdog group Monday filed a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission, asserting that many online search engines are concealing the impact special fees have on search results by Internet users. Commercial Alert, a 3-year-old group founded by consumer activist Ralph Nader, asked the FTC to investigate whether eight of the Web’s largest search engines are violating federal laws against deceptive advertising. The group said that the search engines are abandoning objective formulas to determine the order of their listed results and selling the top spots to the highest bidders without making adequate disclosures to Web surfers. The complaint touches a hot-button issue affecting tens of mil-lions of people who submit search queries each day. With more than 2 billion pages and more than 14 billion hyperlinks on the Web, search requests rank as the second most popular online activity after E-mail.
The eight searc
A. There are too many pages or hyperlinks on the Internet, so people usually use search engine to find a certain site.
B. More than 8 search engines are accused of selling their search engine spots by Commercial Alert.
C. The headquarters of Commercial Alert is in Portland Oregon.
D. The search engines are Web guides.


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