发布时间:2024-04-19 03:41:42

[简答题]Passage Five
How physically attractive someone is plays a major role in determining your ideas about the desirability of developing an acquaintance or a friendship with that person. Attractiveness seems to influence our perception of others’ traits. Attractive people are judged to be more poised, sociable, independent, interesting, exciting, and to have greater sexual warmth.
In one study concerned with the importance of physical attractiveness, Karen Dion and her colleagues asked university students to rate a series of photographs of both males and females as high, average, or low in physical attractiveness. The photos were then passed onto another group of students, who were asked to rate those pictures on a number of personality traits and to predict future events in their lives. The results showed that, regardless of whether the rater(评判人) was the same or the opposite sex as the subject, attractive people of both sexes were rated as hav

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[简答题]Passage Five
How physically attractive someone is plays a major role in determining your ideas about the desirability of developing an acquaintance or a friendship with that person. Attractiveness seems to influence our perception of others’ traits. Attractive people are judged to be more poised, sociable, independent, interesting, exciting, and to have greater sexual warmth.
In one study concerned with the importance of physical attractiveness, Karen Dion and her colleagues asked university students to rate a series of photographs of both males and females as high, average, or low in physical attractiveness. The photos were then passed onto another group of students, who were asked to rate those pictures on a number of personality traits and to predict future events in their lives. The results showed that, regardless of whether the rater(评判人) was the same or the opposite sex as the subject, attractive people of both sexes were rated as hav
[简答题]How physically attractive someone is plays a major role in determining your ideas about the desirability of developing an acquaintance or a friendship with that person. Attractiveness seems to influence our perception of others’ traits. Attractive people are judged to be more poised, sociable, independent, interesting, exciting, and to have greater sexual warmth.
In one study concerned with the importance of physical attractiveness, Karen Dion and her colleagues asked university students to rate a series of photographs of both males and females as high, average, or low in physical attractiveness. The photos were then passed onto another group of students, who were asked to rate those pictures on a number of personality traits and to predict future events in their lives. The results showed that, regardless of whether the rater(评判人) was the same or the opposite sex as the subject, attractive people of both sexes were rated as having more socially desirable personality traits than le

61) How physically attractive someone is plays a role in determining your ideas about the desirability of developing an acquaintance or a friendship with that person. Attractiveness seems to influence our perception of. others’ traits. Attractive people are judged to be more poised, sociable, independent, interesting, exciting, and to have greater sexual warmth.
In one study concerned with the importance of physical attractiveness, Karen Dion and her colleagues asked university students to rate a series of photographs of both males and females as high, average, or low in physical attractiveness. The photos were then passed onto another group of students, who were asked to rate those pictures on a number of personality traits and to predict future events in their lives. 62) The results showed that, regardless of whether the rater was the same or the opposite sex as the subject, attractive people of both sexes rated as having more socially desirable personal

[单项选择]Passage Five
How many of today’s ailments, or even illnesses, are purely psychological And how far can these be alleviated by the use of drugs For example a psychiatrist concerned mainly with the emotional problems of old people might improve their state of mind somewhat by the use of anti-depressants but he would not remove the root cause of their depression—the feeling of being useless, often unwanted and handicapped by failing physical powers.
One of the most important controversies in medicine today is how far doctors, and particularly psychologists, should depend on the use of drugs for "curing" their patients. It is not merely that drugs may have been insufficiently tested and may reveal harmful side effects (as happened in the case of anti-sickness pills prescribed for expectant mothers) but the uneasiness of doctors who feel that th
A. could be ineffective in some cases
B. usually have harmful side effects
C. can greatly alleviate the illnesses
D. can remove the root causes
[单项选择]Passage Five
If you see someone drowning, speed is very important. Once you get him out of the water, if he isn’t breathing, you have four minutes before his brain is completely damaged. Support his neck, tilt his chin upwards. This stops the tongue blocking the air way in the throat and is sometimes enough to get him breathing again. If that doesn’t work, start mouth-to-mouth breathing. Press his nostrils (鼻孔) together with your fingers. Open your mouth wide and take a deep breath. Blow into his lungs until his chest rises, and then remove your mouth and watch his chest fall. Repeat twelve times a minute, keep going until professional help arrives.
To bring a child back to life, keep your lips around its mouth and nose and gently blow into its mouth. Give the first four breaths as quickly as possible to fill the blood with oxygen. If, in s
A. open your mouth wide
B. take a deep breath
C. blow into his lungs
D. do’ all of the above


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