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发布时间:2024-01-15 04:11:02


M: Have you been a secretary or something
F: No, but I can deal with most of the official stuff.
M: Can you handle the computer
F: I have good computer skills.
M: What’s your speed
F: I can type 130 words per minute.
M: Do you take shorthand
F: I’m afraid I can’t. But I’m willing to learn. I don’t think it’s hard for me to learn.

What did the woman do before she came for this job( ).
A. Worked as a secretary.
B. We don’t know.
C. A computer expert.

更多"M: Have you been a secretary or som"的相关试题:


M: Have you been a secretary or something
F: No, but I can deal with most of the official stuff.
M: Can you handle the computer
F: I have good computer skills.
M: What’s your speed
F: I can type 130 words per minute.
M: Do you take shorthand
F: I’m afraid I can’t. But I’m willing to learn. I don’t think it’s hard for me to learn.

How fast can the woman type( ).
A. 100 words per minute.
B. 120 words per minute.
C. 130 words per minute.
[填空题]Boys have been developing something called aggression when starting school.


W: Where have you been.
M: Where have I been I was wondering the same thing about you.

What does the man want to know( ).
A. He won’t tell the woman where he has been.
B. He wants to know where the woman has been.
C. He is asking the woman whether she saw the thing he’s looking for.
[简答题]I have something to tell you, but instead of talking about with other people around, ________________(我要私下跟你说) .
[简答题]The shipping documents have been sent to you by airmail, and we hope you will soon make delivery of the goods.
[单项选择]Chris, I have something to tell you. Yesterday, a woman conducting a survey called the house. You know I usually don’t do those things—not unless I’m feeling especially guilty that day—but then she mentioned not having to commute.
You see, this was the choice the survey offered me, as I understood it: I could continue to take a forty-seven-minute train ride (or a thirty-eight-minute ferry fide) and a twelve-minute subway ride to and from work every day while remaining your wife, or I could work from home and cease to be married to you. I have chosen the latter.
You probably have a few questions, as I did. For example, will this home be our home, where you also live Given the fact that we will no longer be husband and wife, this is a complication. I asked the surveyor this question, but she had already moved on to "Would you give up manicures if it meant you didn’t have to commute" (No.)
You may be confused, or perturbed. This I understand. I had my doubts, too. Not long
A. She hates it so much that she would give up manicure to be free from it.
B. She is fed up with it.
C. She doesn’t care about it.
D. She loves it if she could spend less time on commuting.

You have been ill and hospitalized for one month. Your teachers and classmates went to see you. Write a letter to them to
1) thank them for their coming to see you,
2) express your feeling, and
3) state your present condition.
You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use "Li Ming" instead. Do not write the address.

[单项选择]You have been assigned to manage a large enterprise resource planning(ERP) project in your organization.You realize that detailed planning,execution,and closing processes are prerequisites for success.To support the project from initiation through closing you should use ().
A. a make-or-buy analysis
B. lessons learned and other historical information from previous projects
C. benefit-cost analysis
D. the project management information system
You have been at Furnell University for two weeks now. As usual, you need enough time to sleep and eat. You also want to spend time with your new friends and get some exercise. But, after the first two weeks of classes, you have probably concluded that there isn’ t enough time to do all these things, because you also have to attend classes, go to labs, do assignments and write papers.
Soon you will be in a situation like this one: You are going to have a quiz in your ten o’ clock class. You studied for it until 2 a.m. You also have an eight o’ clock class. Should you sleep late and skip the eight o’ clock class
To some extent the answer depends on the professor of the course. Some instructors announce that they require attendance. In that case you really should go to class. Some don’ t say anything. In that case you have to decide. Onc
A. go to every class, no matter how he/she feels
B. go to class unless there is a good reason not to
C. stay in the dormitory and study
D. make excuses to the teacher
[单项选择]We have been doing business with you for many years and hope that you will make the best offer for us.
A. 我们期待能够与你们建立起贸易关系,以合理的价格做生意。
B. 我们同你们有多年的生意往来,希望能够给予我们最佳报价。
C. 我们多年来一直与你们有生意往来,都是以最低价进行交易。
D. 我们之间的友好往来已经持续多年,希望以后能够降价供货。

W: We have been waiting for you for more than half an hour. Where have you been
M: I’m terribly sorry. My car broke down and it took me some 20 minutes to repair it.

Why was the man late( ).
A. His car was sent to a garage.
B. His car was held up by the traffic.
C. His car broke down.


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