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发布时间:2023-10-22 00:19:30

[单项选择]Although all sedimentary rocks contain iron, (but the deposits) that (are richest) in iron (consist) predominantly of minerals (such as) iron oxides, carbonates, silicates, and sulfides.
A. but the deposits
B. are richest
C. consist
D. such as

更多"Although all sedimentary rocks cont"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Pig iron, wrought iron, and steel contain iron carbides made up of ______ of carbon.
A. amounts are different
B. different amounts that
C. different amounts
D. which amounts are different
[单项选择]Syntactic categories contain all the following types EXCEPT
A. meanings that words express.
B. linguistic items the words use.
C. affixes that words take.
D. structures in which the words can occur.
[单项选择]类 Contain 的定义如下: class Contain { private: int x; protected: int z; public: class Embed { private: int y; public: Embed ( ) { y=100; } int Embed_Fun( ); }MyEmbed; int Contain_Fun( ); }; 下列对上面定义的描述中,正确的是( )。
A. 定义类Embed对象的语句是:Contain::Embed Myobject;
B. 类Contain的成员函数Contain_Fun()中可以访问对象MyEmbed的私有成员y
C. 类Embed的成员函数Embed_Fun()中可以直接访问类Contain的所有成员
D. 类Embed的成员函数Embed_Fun()中只能直接访问类Contain的公有成员
[填空题]As we all know, iron is the (useful) ______ metal in the world.

Rocks which have solidified directly from molten materials are called igneous rocks. Igneous rocks are commonly referred to as primary rocks because they are the original source of material found in sedimentaries and metamorphics. Igneous rocks compose the greater part of the earth’s crust, but they are generally covered at the surface by a relatively thin layer of sedimentary or metamorphic rocks. Igneous rocks are distinguished by the following characteristics: (1) they contain no fossils; (2) they have no regular arrangement of layers; and (3) they are nearly always made up of crystals.
Sedimentary rocks are composed largely of minute fragments derived from the disintegration of existing rocks and in some instances from the remains of animals. As sediments are transported, individual fragments are assorted according to size. Distinct layers of such sed
A. strata
B. limestone
C. metamorphic rock
D. no trace of fossils
[单项选择]类 Contain 的定义如下:
class Contain

int x;
int z;
class Embed

int y;
Embed ( )


int Embed_Fun( );
int Contain_Fun( );

下列对上面定义的描述中,正确的是( )。
A. 定义类Embed对象的语句是:Contain::Embed Myobject;
B. 类Contain的成员函数Contain_Fun()中可以访问对象MyEmbed的私有成员y
C. 类Embed的成员函数Embed_Fun()中可以直接访问类Contain的所有成员
D. 类Embed的成员函数Embed_Fun()中只能直接访问类Contain的公有成员
[判断题]Meats also contain water.
[单项选择]Rocks which have solidified directly from molten materials are called igneous rocks. Igneous rocks are commonly referred to as primary rocks because they are the original source of material found in sedimentaries and metamorphics. Igneous rocks compose the greater part of the earth’s crust, but they are generally covered at the surface by a relatively thin layer of sedimentary or metamorphic rocks. Igneous rocks are distinguished by the following characteristics: (1) they contain no fossils; (2) they have no regular arrangement of layers; and (3) they are nearly always made up of crystals.
Sedimentary rocks are composed largely of minute fragments derived from the disintegration of existing rocks and in some instances from the remains of animals. As sediments are transported, individual fragments are assorted according to size. Distinct layers of such sediments as gravels, sand, and clay build up, as they are deposited by water and occasionally wind. These sediments vary in size wit
A. strata
B. limestone
C. metamorphic rock
D. no trace of fossils
[填空题]Dung fossils are often found in rocks that have been worn down by ______.

Thousands of years ago man used handy rocks for his surgical operations. Later he used sharp bone or horn, metal knives and more recently, rubber and plastic and that was where we stuck, in surgical instrument terms; for many years. In the 1960s a new tool was developed, one which was, first of all, to be of great practical use to the armed forces and industry, but which was also, in time, to revolutionize the art and science of surgery.
The tool is the laser and it is being used by more and more surgeons all over the world, for a very large number of different complaints. The word "laser" means: light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. As we all know, light is hot, any source of light — from the sun itself down to a humble match burning — will give warmth. But light is usually spread out over a wide area. The light in a laser beam, however, is concentrated. This means that a light with no more power than that produced by an ordinary
A. Industrial revolution brought surgery changed greatly.
B. Medical help became available for industrial workers.
C. The study of art went through a complete revolution.
D. Human being’s methods in surgery changed greatly.


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