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发布时间:2023-12-09 21:09:23

[判断题]用于判别具有表面粗糙度特征的一段基准线长度称为取样长度。( )

更多"用于判别具有表面粗糙度特征的一段基准线长度称为取样长度。( )"的相关试题:

[多项选择]头肩顶形态是一个长期趋势的转向形态,一般出现在一段升势的尽头,这一形态具有( )的特征。
A. 一般来说,左肩与右肩高点大致相等,有时右肩较左肩低,即颈线向下倾斜
B. 就成交量而言,左肩最大,头部次之,而右肩成交量最小,即呈梯形递减
C. 突破颈线不一定需要大成交量配合,但日后继续下跌时,成交量会放大
D. 突破颈线需要大成交量配合,突破后继续下跌时,不一定需要大成交量
[单项选择]在煤气干法脱硫工艺中,脱硫剂表面在运行一段时间后出现硫黄积聚,微孔堵塞,脱硫效率下降。一般新剂可使用( )。
A. 一年
B. 九个月
C. 半年
D. 两个月
[单项选择]18米长的竹竿被截成两段,短的一段是长的一段的4/5,那么,短的一段有多少米长( )
A. 7.5米
B. 8米
C. 8.5米
D. 9米
A. 7.5米
B. 8米
C. 8.5米
D. 9米
[单项选择]两根绳子,长的一段是24米,短的一段是18米。两根都截去相同长度的一段后,长的绳子的长度是短绳子长度的4倍。剪短后,长的绳子有多少米( )
A. 6米
B. 2米
C. 8米
D. 4米
[单项选择]( )措施专门用于应付项目的技术风险,它可以是一段时间或是一笔资金。
A. 预算应急费
B. 进度后备
C. 技术后备
D. 经济应急费



W: Hi, Bill, can you tell me how it happened
M: Sure. I was mountain climbing in New Hampshire in 1982. Suddenly the weather became really bad. There was a lot of snow and we couldn’t see anything. We got lost. Well, we spent four days on the mountain. The temperature was 20 degrees below zero, We didn’t have any equipment or food.
W: So what happened I guess someone found you, right
M: Yes, but we were very sick. I couldn’t move my legs because of the cold. f spent two months in the hospital. The doctors removed my legs.
W: Right. So you lost your legs, but you want to try your best to stay active.
M: That’s right. In fact, I decided to make some new legs for myself. I realized that no one had to be physically disabled. We can use modern technology to help us.
W: And you built these great new legs. Can you go mountai
A. Design new climbing shoes.
B. Establish a club for the disabled.
C. Use technology to fight his disability.

[判断题]传染性是计算机病毒最重要的特征之一,也是判断一段程序代码是否为计算机病毒的依据。 ( )


W: Hi, Bill, can you tell me how it happened
M: Sure. I was mountain climbing in New Hampshire in 1982. Suddenly the weather became really bad. There was a lot of snow and we couldn’t see anything. We got lost. Well, we spent four days on the mountain. The temperature was 20 degrees below zero, We didn’t have any equipment or food.
W: So what happened I guess someone found you, right
M: Yes, but we were very sick. I couldn’t move my legs because of the cold. f spent two months in the hospital. The doctors removed my legs.
W: Right. So you lost your legs, but you want to try your best to stay active.
M: That’s right. In fact, I decided to make some new legs for myself. I realized that no one had to be physically disabled. We can use modern technology to help us.
W: And you built these great new legs. Can you go mountain climbing again
A. Low temperature.
B. Terrible weather.
C. An unsuccessful operation.

[填空题]响应某个事件后所执行的操作通过一段程序代码来实现,这样的一段程序代码叫做 【6】
[多项选择]后张法施工预应力构件时,对单根粗钢筋一段张拉一段固定,固定端可选用的锚具是( )。
A. 锥形螺杆锚具
B. 螺丝端杆锚具
C. 钢制锥形锚具
D. 墩头锚具
E. 帮条锚具
A. 占内存空间小,但速度慢
B. 占内存空间大,但速度快
C. 占内存空间相同,速度快
D. 占内存空间相同,速度慢
[填空题]用户在上网浏览时,不仅可以查看文本信息,而且还可以激活一段声音,显示一张图片,甚至还可以播放一段动画,这是因为使用了 【5】 技术。


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