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发布时间:2023-10-30 07:46:04

[单项选择]It can be inferred that the author believes which of the following concerning dances
A. Few involve inscription on subordinate bodies through violence.
B. Few are involved in the recollection of images, and in transmitting folklore.
C. Few create an inertia and conservatism in social structures.
D. They rarely involve an inscription process that is readily welcomed by their performers.
E. Bodily inscription is seldom a complicated process, ore one that involves physical violence.

更多"It can be inferred that the author "的相关试题:

[填空题]It can be inferred that the author presupposes that the reader will regard a course in literature as a course ______.

[单项选择]It can be inferred that the author would likely believe which of the following concerning modern action films, where character is commonly subordinated to plot
A. Such a film would be a clumsy misinterpretation of uniquely Greek dramatic principles in action.
B. Such a film would be a skillful adaptation of uniquely Greek dramatic principles.
C. Such a film would be an interesting but limited example of a general dramatic principle in action.
D. Such a film would be a clever and revealing example of a general dramatic principle in action.
E. Such a film would illustrate the differences between uniquely Greek and general dramatic principles.
[单项选择]It can be inferred that the author ______. A) is satisfied with present relationships between home and school B) feels that traditional program in mathematics is highly superior to the developmental program C) feels that parent-teacher interviews can be made much mere constructive than they are at present B) is of the opinion that teachers of this generation are superior to those of the last one
[单项选择]Which of the following can be inferred concerning Freud’s psychological views
A. Freud tended to be critical of all psychologists who did not support his view of the libido as the sexual drive of fulfillment.
B. Freud tended to ascribe little importance to the hypothetical elan vital, even questioning its existence.
C. Freud tended to restrict the notion of the libido to matters of human sexuality, ignoring its broader role as a life drive.
D. Freud tended to view the libido as a mechanism of the conscious, but not of the collective or personal unconscious.
E. Freud failed to acknowledge the role of the conflicting desires of the individual in shaping the human libido.
[单项选择]It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following is true concerning the consumption of fat consumption in Greece versus that of Japan
A. The traditional diet of Japan involves a higher general intake of fat, as a dietary calorie percentage, than does the traditional diet of Crete.
B. The traditional diet of Japan involves a higher intake of saturated fat, measured by calories, than does the traditional diet of Crete.
C. The traditional diet of Japan involves a lesser intake of unsaturated fat, measured by calories, than does the traditional diet of Crete.
D. The traditional diet of Japan includes a higher ratio of monounsaturated fat intake to polyunsaturated fat intake than does the traditional diet of Crete.
E. The traditional diet of Japan involves a lower general intake of fat, as a dietary calorie percentage, than does the traditional diet of Crete.
[单项选择]Which of the following statements can be inferred from the passage a. An investor of trading stocks only cares about the fixed assets of companies. b. A buyer of investing stocks is always concerned about the performance of companies. c. Most people keep their investing stocks for a longer period of time. d. All people buy trading stocks and investing stock at the same time.
[填空题]The author believes that life on other planets can take on forms ______ because even life on our own planet assumes such strange and various forms.
[单项选择]Which of the following can be inferred when the man says this
A. There are other students waiting to put up their notices.
B. The woman is rude and does not want to obey the rules.
C. The man is annoyed by the woman’s haughty tone.
D. The procedure of putting up a notice is rather complicated.
[单项选择]Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about the Irish building and loan associations mentioned in the last paragraph

A. They were started by third or fourth-generation immigrants.
B. They originated as off shoots of church-related groups.
C. They frequently helped Irish entrepreneurs to finance business not connected with construction.
D. They contributed to the employment of many Irish construction workers.
[单项选择]Which of the following can be inferred as to the relationship between Ellison’s work and political movements of his time
A. It had a positive effect, establishing an incisive critical black voice in a time dominated by white literature.
B. It contributed only a small positive effect, as it was not widely read by anyone outside the white literary establishment.
C. Invisible Man served only a documentary function, as it chronicled a movement established long before the novel was published.
D. Its ethereal and naive tone tended to underplay the seriousness of the movement.
E. It tended, through verbosity and excess symbolism, to restrict the public’s perception of the basic effectiveness of the movement.
[多项选择]Which two visits of Halley’s Comet can be inferred from the comet orbiting rules in the discussion
A. The visit of Halley’s Comet was in 1956.
B. The visit of Halley’s Comet will be in 2138.
C. The visit of Halley’s Comet was in 1910.
D. The visit of Halley’s Comet was in 2137.
[填空题]Suggestopaedia believes that language learning can occur at a much faster rate than it is often expected if learners can make better use of their______ powers.


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