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发布时间:2024-03-29 03:13:14

[单项选择]It is easier to adapt to new situations if one has a (flexible) attitude.
A. changeable
B. fashionable
C. moveable
D. elastic

更多"It is easier to adapt to new situat"的相关试题:

[单项选择]It is easier to adapt to new situations if one has a (flexible) attitude.
A. changeable
B. fashionable
C. moveable
D. elastic
[单项选择]As the new economy has cooled, there has Been a steady drumbeat of layoff announcements. More than 36,000 dotcom employees were cut in the second half of last year, including some 10,000 last month. But th6 firings went well beyond dotcomland. There were more than 480,000 layoffs through November. General Motors is laying off 15,000 workers with the closing of Oldsmobile. Whirlpool is trimming 6,300 workers; Aetna is letting go 5,000.
The remarkable thing is that US unemployment has so far stayed strikingly low. While the NASDAQ plunged and growth trailed off last year, the unemployment rate fluctuated between 3.9% and 4.1%. That pales compared with the unemployment rates during Old Economy dark years like 1992 (7.5%) and 1982 (9.7%).
And it gives the lie to an Old Economy article of faith--that there was a "natural rate of unemployment below which the economy could not operate without spurring inflation". The supposed natural rate: just under 6%.
How to account fo
A. Because the labor conflicts with the management.
B. Because the other companies lay off their employees.
C. Because it has lost its credits in the world.
D. Because the global economy declines.
[单项选择]New Delhi has accused Pakistan again of
A. supporting Muslim militants fighting New Delhi’s rule in Kashmir.
B. expelling India senior diplomats from their posts in Pakistan.
C. keeping up the nuclear rivalry with India military forces.
D. indicating any possible thaw in their diplomatic relations.
[单项选择]Consider two markets; one has a Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) of 50, while the other has a four-firm concentration ratio equal to 2%. Which of the following statements most accurately describes these two markets()
A. Both of these markets are monopolies.
B. The market with the HHI equal to 50 is very competitive, while the other market has low competition.
C. Both markets are highly competitive.

Today no one has ever doubted about television’s charm. Since 1920s Britain invented the first television, people have begun to live in a world crowded with soap operas, news magazines and TV advertisements. 41.______However, have we ever tried to find out the magic here Why did the television win the competition with paper media and radio in such a short period By what kind of contention did TV finally control most of the audiences And why does TV become the means the industrial circles scramble for
It is argued that television may not be a form of art, but fifteen thousand years before the primitive people had left urus drawings on Altamira Cave in Spain, which proved that pictures are human ever-lasting pursuit much earlier than letters. 42.______The coming of the 19th century foretold a mass media times and also the break-through in arts because of the rapid development in technology. First by the invention of photography photos showed up before people in a way


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