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发布时间:2024-05-24 07:42:00

[单项选择]________ is LESS likely to attend the supposed summit meeting.
A. The president of Brazil
B. The president of El Salvador
C. The president of Mexico
D. The president of the United States

更多"________ is LESS likely to attend t"的相关试题:

[单项选择]________ is LESS likely to attend the supposed summit meeting.
A. The president of Brazil
B. The president of El Salvador
C. The president of Mexico
D. The president of the United States
[填空题]Employers are far less likely to employ people with mental illnesses than those with physical ailments(疾病), a report shows.
Just 20% of those with severe mental health problems have jobs, compared with 65% who have physical problems. The government is launching an initiative urging employers to improve conditions for people with a mental health problem. A spokesman for the Confederation of British Industry said the majority of businesses offered staff support.
It is estimated one in four people will suffer a mental illness at some point in their lives. And even for those with more common types of mental illness, such as depression, only about half are competitively employed. However, up to 90% of people with mental health problems want to work, compared to 52% of disabled people generally.
The voluntary standards, launched to coincide with World Mental Health Day, will also be used by public sector organizations, including local councils, government departments and
[单项选择]Babies are less likely to grow up into fat children if they are fed breast milk exclusively, which provides powerful ammunition fi3r the campaign to encourage mothers to choose the breast over the bottle.
German scientists say their findings are the result of the largest study to date investigating the link between breast-feeding and obesity later in life. The findings suggest breast-feeding could turn out to be a powerful strategy for fighting the spiraling level of childhood obesity. The study, which tracked 9,357 children in Bavaria, found that the longer babies were breast-fed exclusively before being switched to formula or food, the lower their chances of starting school as overweight children.
The German study found that infants given only breast milk until they were 3 to 5 months old were more than a third less likely to be obese by the age of 5 or 6 than babies given only formula from the start. Those breast-fed exclusively for 6 months to a year fared even better
A. breast-feeding is more beneficial to children’s growth than bottlefeeding.
B. breast milk is the prime cause of childhood obesity.
C. bottle-feeding provides a powerful strategy for inherited obesity.
D. breast-feeding can curb the ever-increasing cases of adult obesity.
[填空题]Internet users are less likely to want to watch ______ programs on a computer screen.
[填空题]______ is less likely to develop RSI than an overweight and passive worker.

[简答题]________(一个人失业的时间越长), the less likely it is for him to find a job.


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