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发布时间:2024-03-29 03:12:50

[填空题] Fire Instruction


The person discovering a fire will:
1. operate the nearest fire alarm;
2. attack the fire with available equipment, if it is safe to do so.
On hearing a fire alarm:
1. those in class: will go to the assembly area under instructions given by the teacher;
2. those elsewhere: will go to the assembly area by the most sensible route.
Assembly area:
The assembly area is the playing field which is south of the sports hall. Here names will be checked.
1. move quickly;
2. do not stop to collect your personal belongings;
3. do not attempt to pass others on your way to the assembly area;
4. do not use the lift.
Fire alarms:
Fire alarms are situated as follows:
1. A Block
At the reception desk; at east end of connecting corridor; outside the kitchen door;
2. B Block
At the bo

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[填空题] Fire Instruction


The person discovering a fire will:
1. operate the nearest fire alarm;
2. attack the fire with available equipment, if it is safe to do so.
On hearing a fire alarm:
1. those in class: will go to the assembly area under instructions given by the teacher;
2. those elsewhere: will go to the assembly area by the most sensible route.
Assembly area:
The assembly area is the playing field which is south of the sports hall. Here names will be checked.
1. move quickly;
2. do not stop to collect your personal belongings;
3. do not attempt to pass others on your way to the assembly area;
4. do not use the lift.
Fire alarms:
Fire alarms are situated as follows:
1. A Block
At the reception desk; at east end of connecting corridor; outside the kitchen door;
2. B Block
At the bo


Fire Instruction
The person discovering a fire will:
1. operate the nearest fire alarm;
2. attack the fire with available equipment, if it is safe to do so.
On hearing a fire alarm:
1. those in class: will go to the assembly area under instructions given by the teacher;
2. those elsewhere: will go to the assembly area by the most sensible route.
Assembly area:
The assembly area is the playing field which is south of the sports hall. Here names will be checked.
1. move quickly;
2. do not stop to collect your personal belongings;
3. do not attempt to pass others on your way to the assembly area;
4. do not use the lift.
Fire alarms:
Fire alarms are situated as follows:
1. A Block
At the reception desk; at east end of connecting corridor; outside the kitchen door;
2. B Block
At the bottom of both stairways and on eac

Fire Instruction

The person discovering a fire will:
1. operate the nearest fire alarm;
2. attack the fire with available equipment, if it is safe to do so.
On hearing a fire alarm:
1. those in class: will go to the assembly area under instructions given by the teacher;
2. those elsewhere: will go to the assembly area by the most sensible route.
Assembly area:
The assembly area is the playing field which is south of the sports hall. Here names will be checked.
1. move quickly;
2. do not stop to collect your personal belongings;
3. do not attempt to pass others on your way to the assembly area;
4. do not use the lift.
Fire alarms:
Fire alarms are situated as follows:
1. A Block
At the reception desk; at east end of connecting corridor; outside the kitchen door;
2. B Block

Fire Instruction

The person discovering a fire will:
1. operate the nearest fire alarm;
2. attack the fire with available equipment, if it is safe to do so.
On hearing a fire alarm:
1. those in class: will go to the assembly area under instructions given by the teacher;
2. those elsewhere: will go to the assembly area by the most sensible route.
Assembly area:
The assembly area is the playing field which is south of the sports hall. Here names will be checked.
1. move quickly;
2. do not stop to collect your personal belongings;
3. do not attempt to pass others on your way to the assembly area;
4. do not use the lift.
Fire alarms:
Fire alarms are situated as follows:
1. A Block
At the reception desk; at east end of connecting corridor; outside the kitchen door;
2. B Block


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