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发布时间:2024-02-19 04:03:22

[简答题]Welcome to Taiwan,the beautiful island where Chinese age old culture is preserved in all its glory.The best way to see the most of Taiwan during your visit is by car,a Hertz car.So take advantage of this special offer for car rental which is given to you with the compliments of CAL(华航) and Hertz.

更多"Welcome to Taiwan,the beautiful isl"的相关试题:

[简答题]Welcome to Taiwan, the beautiful island where Chinese age old culture is preserved in all its glory. The best way to see the most of Taiwan during your visit is by car, a Hertz car. So take advantage of this special offer for car rental which is given to you with the compliments of CAL (华航) and Hertz.
[填空题]Where is the hotel located on the island of Oahu On____________________.
[填空题]Where is Haikou
It is in ______ of the island.

[填空题]Staten Island
[单项选择]Long Island, an island that forms the southern part of New York, has ______ of forty-two of the fifty states.
A. as a great population
B. a population greater than
C. more than a great population as that
D. a greater population than that
[单项选择]Hainan Island is ______ largest island of China.
A. first
B. second
C. the first
D. the second
[简答题]What is an idiom And why are idioms hard for Chinese learners of English to understand and harder for them to use properly
[多项选择]Direction:In this part there is a passage in Chinese. Read it carefully and then Write a summary of 200 words in English on the ANSWER SHEET. Make sure that your summary covers the major points of the passage. 入世后看病如何挑医院 合资医院服务好,价格高 入世后,许多人需要医疗保健时,总是毫不犹豫地选择洋医院,理由很简单,就是冲着洋医院的服务去的。一般来说,洋医院医生中大多数持有外国医师执业执照,在候诊室里,沙发、电视、茶点、杂志一应俱全,大厅里有儿童乐园,走廊里还播放着轻松优雅的背景音乐。在这里,病人被视为“客人”,他们不必排队挂号,不必楼上楼下跑,划价、交费、取药在一个窗口。病人的候诊时间不超过10分钟,看病时,每位病人不能少于45分钟,病人可以充分地向医生表述病情,医护人员保证全方位服务。在候诊时,医生还会增加心理咨询、健康教育等内容。来到这里,病人可以感到家一样的温馨。 不过洋医院目前的收费是很高的,在北京的洋医院里,看一次感冒需要500元左右,在这500元左右的费用中药费仅占100元左右。洋医院所收费用的80%是患者为院方提供的高质量服务而付的,而公立医院的收入则主要来自药品差价,有的达到了总收入的90%。可见,洋医院与公立医院最大的不同是,前者挣得是 服务费,后者挣得是药品钱。 民营医院有发展空间 民营医院一般是指民间、社会资本占主体的医院。目前,我国约有民办医院400多家,私人诊所137万个,个体医生近20万名。从总体看民办医疗机构虽然在数量上占全国卫生机构总数的41%,但主要为规模较小的私人诊所,每年为社会提供的医疗服务量大约占总量的百分之几,目前的基础设施、诊疗设备、技术水平等方面,还难以与具备优势的公立医院形成公平、有效的竞争局面。 民营医院的出现让人想起十几年前人们对超市的概念认识也是比较模糊的。既使总认为里面装修豪华、高档,但因货物很贵而不愿意进门。而今超市大大普及了,人们纷
[单项选择] Le sport en Chine   Après la Corée du Sud,tous les regards se tournent désormais 1 la Chine et la futur ligne Pékin-Shanghai (13000kilomètres).   La mise 2 service du KTX est 3 plus importante que la 4 pour le marché chinois est acharnée.   "La réussite du TGV en Corée est une démonstration 5 de la capacité de notre entreprise à réaliser un projet de cette ampleur à plus de 10000 kilomètres de ses bases .   Il nous a permis aussi 6 démontrer notre ma trise des transferts technologies dans des pays 7 les cultures sont très éloignées des 8 ,estime Marc Chatelard .   A ce titre, ce résultat peut effectivement aider à 9 réussir sur le marché chinois."   A terme,cette voie ferrée de la soie permettrait de relier tout le continent européen, 10 très grande vitesse.
A. notre
B. n tres
C. leur
D. leurs


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