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发布时间:2023-10-22 06:54:44


W: No mail for me today They must have forgotten about me. I hope everything is all right at home.
M: No news is good news. Remember many things are slow these days.

What are they talking about()
A. Why no news is good news.
B. Why everything is so slow.
C. Why her family has forgotten about her.
D. Why she didn’t hear from her family.

更多"[听力原文] W: No mail for me today Th"的相关试题:


W:No mail for me today They must have forgotten about me.I hope everything is all right at home.
M:No news is good Hews.Remember many things are slow these days.

What are they talking about()
A. Why no news is good news.
B. Why everything is so slow.
C. Why her family has forgotten about her.
D. Why she didn’t hear from her family.

W: No mail for me today They must have forgotten about me. I hope everything is all right at home.
M: No news is good news. Remember many things are slow these days.

What are they talking about ()
A. Why no news is good news.
B. Why everything is so slow.
C. Why her family has forgotten about her.
D. Why she didn’t hear from her family.

W: No mail for me today They must have forgotten about me. I hope everything is all right at home.
M: No news is good news. Remember many things are slow these days.

What are they talking about ()
A. Why no news is good news.
B. Why everything is so slow.
C. Why her family has forgotten about her.
D. Why she didn’t hear from her family.

W: I must have told Michael five times not to forget the meeting and he still missed it.
M: Well, you know Michael. Everything is in One ear and out the other.
O:What can be inferred about Michael()

A. He’s never missed a meeting.
B. He has poor ears.
C. He had to attend another meeting.
D. He never listens.

W: You must have been driving too fast.
M: No, I crashed into the tree because I was Wing not to hit a box that had fallen off the truck just ahead.

What happened to the man()
A. He hit a tree.
B. He hit a truck.
C. He hit a box.
D. He hurt his hea

M: Excuse me, can you tell me the gate for the flight to Paris
W: Do you have the flight number

Where does the conversation happen()
A. At a post office.
B. In a classroom.
C. At an airport.
D. At a bank.

M: Would you like to have supper with me tonight
W: Well, I don’t know. Would you mind if I let you know this afternoon

Did the woman accept the man’s invitation()
A. Yes, she accepted his invitation.
B. No, but she will let him know this afternoon.
C. No, she declined the invitation.
D. No, she kept silent.

M: Would you like to have dinner with me on Sunday
W: Thank you very much, but I’m going to the theater that evening.

What is the woman going to do on Sunday()
A. She is going to see a play.
B. She is going to have dinner with the man.
C. She is going to have a meeting.
D. She is going to attend a party.

M:Would you like to have dinner with me on Saturday
W:Thank you very much,but I am going to the theater that evening.

What is the woman going to do on Saturday()
A. She is going to see a play.
B. She is going to have dinner with the man.
C. She is going to a meeting.
D. She is going to a party.

W: I really must go now, because I have an exam this morning.
M: Then you mustn’ t be late. Maybe you should ask your father for a ride.

What is the probable relationship between the two speakers ()
A. Mother and son.
B. Father and daughter.
C. Brother and sister.
D. Teacher and student.

W: Excuse me, do you have any batteries I need some to my radio, because mine isn’t working.
M: Sure. They are over there, next to the pens on the desk next to the bed.

What does the woman want()
A. A radio.
B. Some pens.
C. Some radios.
D. Some batteries.

M: Excuse me, can I have a room in your hotel today
W: I’m sorry, all of our rooms are full right now.

What is the man doing ()
A. He is buying a house.
B. He is asking the way to a hotel.
C. He is visiting a hotel.
D. He is booking a room in a hotel.

Conversation 1
[听力原文] 6-7
M: Excuse me, have you seen my little grey dog as you were walking through the park
W: No, but I’ll look before I leave. What’s her name
M: Her name Actually, I call her Cinders because of her black color.
W: Why isn’t she on a leash
M: She saw a monkey and broke away before I could catch her.
W: Is she afraid of a monkey
M: Yes, because the big monkey is running after her.
W: I see now.

Why did the dog run away()
A. She was attracted by some food.
B. She was chasing a monkey:
C. She heard a loud noise.
D. She saw a monkey.


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