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发布时间:2023-10-22 18:05:59


M: Hello. Jane. is Bill feeling any better today
W: Oh, yes. But the doctor says he’ll have to stay in bed.

Where is Bill now ()
A. At the office.
B. in his own house.
C. On his way to work.
D. In the hospital.

更多"[听力原文] M: Hello. Jane. is Bill fe"的相关试题:


M: Hello. Jane. is Bill feeling any better today
W: Oh, yes. But the doctor says he’ll have to stay in bed.

Where is Bill now()
A. At the office.
B. in his own house.
C. On his way to work.
D. In the hospital.

W: Bill, have you finished the research paper for biology
M: Not yet, I always seem to put things off until the last minute.

What did the man mean()
A. He wrote it last semester.
B. He’ll finish it in a few minutes.
C. He never does assignments early.
D. He isn’t going to write it.

M: How do Jane and Bill like their new home
W: It’s realty comfortable, but they are tired of having to hear the jets go over their house at all hours.

What is located close to Jane and Bill’s new home ()
A. A bus station.
B. An airport.
C. A super highway.
D. A train station.

W: What are you doing, Bill Writing a letter
M: Yes, and it’s not easy.
W: My Aunt Mabel sent me a gift for my birthday. I can’t remember which gift was hers, but I want to thank her for it.
M: Oh, that’s a difficult problem. When it happens to me, I just write to say" Thank you for the wonderful girl" without saying what a gift was. Are you with me
W: Yes, thanks. That’s a clever idea.
M: When you have a bad memory, you have to be clever.

What’s the matter with Bettie ()
A. She doesn’t know how to write a letter.
B. She never receives any gifts.
C. She has received too many gifts from her Aunt Mabel.
D. She can’t remember what gift her Aunt Mabel sent her.

M: There’s Bill on his bicycle. Will he have it fixed
W: Don’t be silly, that would have been a waste of money. It only had a flat tire.

What conclusion can be drawn from the woman’s statement()
A. Bill repaired the tire himself.
B. Bill will have his bicycle fixed.
C. Bill was silly to have wasted his money.
D. Bill now wrote a check for the bill.

Conversation 2
[听力原文] 8-10
W: Hi, Bill. I haven’t seen a film for half a year. Do you have some free time to go to the cinema with me this weekend
M: Sure. But I don’t have any information about the recent films. What about you
W: Well, my workmate tells me that Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone will be on.
M: What’s that
W: I don’t know. It is said that kids like it a lot.
M: Perhaps you can take our son there. It’s boring for me to sit there for two hours.
W: Oh, you’re that kind of man. Um, a violent film called The Most Wanted will also be on at the same time. Maybe you can come with us.
M: That’s a clever idea. I like American films very much. We can go to the same cinema and come home together, but watch different films.

What’s the relationship between the two speakers()
A. Husband and wife.
B. Classmates.
C. A teacher and his students.
D. Colleagues.

Conversation 1
W: Hi, Bill. This is Nancy.
M: Oh, hi. How is everything going
W: Just fine, thanks. How about you
M: Pretty well.
W: Uh, I’m calling to see if you will be free on Saturday night.
M: Hmm, Saturday night Let me think. Oh, I’m afraid not. My brother just called to say he was coming that night. I told him I would meet him at the airport.
W: Oh, that’s too bad! It’s my birthday and we are going to have a party at my place. I thought you would come then.
M: I’m really sorry, but I won’t be able to make it.

Why does the woman call the man()
A. Invite him to her birthday party.
B. Go shopping.
C. Travel together.
D. See a film.

W: Does your mother feel any better today
M: She is much better now, thanks. She should be coming home in a few days. The operation was a success, and she would recover very soon.

Where is the man’s mother now()
A. In the hospital.
B. At work.
C. At home.
D. In the countrysid

M: What’s the matter, Bill
W: These letters are full of mistakes! Those typists at the office never do anything right.

What’s the man really complaining about ()
A. The letters.
B. The typists.
C. The woman.
D. The offic

M: What’s the matter, Bill
M: These letters are full of mistakes! Those typists at the office never do anything right.

What’ s the man really complaining about ()
A. The letters.
B. The typists.
C. The woman.
D. The office.

W: What’s the matter, Bill
M: These letters are full of mistakes! Those typists at the office never do anything right.

What is the man really complaining about ()
A. The letters.
B. The typists.
C. The woman.
D. The offic

M: Are there any more questions on this lecture Yes, Mary.
W: Dr. Baker, do you think it’ s possible for a poor man be elected to be a president

What most probably is Mary ()
A. Nurse.
B. Student.
C. Journalist.
D. Teacher.


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