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发布时间:2023-10-21 22:05:42

[简答题]Jack can hardly understand arithmetic, ________________(更别说地理了) .

更多"Jack can hardly understand arithmet"的相关试题:

[简答题]Jack can hardly understand arithmetic, ________________(更别说地理了) .
[单项选择]It is obvious that Jack can hardly understand the instructions of the mobile phone he is reading.
A. 杰克显然看不懂他正在阅读的手机说明书。
B. 杰克费了很大劲才看懂本来很明显的手机指令。
C. 显然,杰克努力去理解他正在阅读的手机指令。
D. 显然,杰克再费力也看不懂他正在阅读的手机说明书。
[单项选择]He can hardly understand what the teacher has said, ______.
A. nor shall I
B. neither can I
C. so do I
D. so I can
[填空题]I can hardly understand why such books as Who Moved My Cheese ______________________ (竟会成为畅销书).

[单项选择]A. That babies understand language before they can speak.
B. That babies have simple mathematical skills.
C. Babies’ preferences for different kinds of toys.
D. The influence of television on babies.

W: I can’t understand why you can speak English so well in such a short time.
M: If you pay attention to what our teacher says, you will speak as well as me.

What does the man mean ( )
A. Listen halfheartedly to the teacher in class.
B. Pay attention when teacher speaks English.
C. Follow the teacher’s spoken English.
D. Follow the teacher’s advice on speaking Englis

W: I can’t understand why you can speak English so well in such a short time.
M: If you pay attention to what our teacher says, you will speak as well as me.

What does the man mean ()
A. Listen halfheartedly to the teacher in class.
B. Pay attention when teacher speaks English.
C. Follow the teacher’s spoken English.
D. Follow the teacher’s advice on speaking Englis
[填空题]The government official can hardly find sufficient grounds on which to base his arguments in ______(赞成修改税法).
[单项选择]You and I could hardly understand, ________
A. could we
B. couldn’t you
C. couldn’t we
D. could I
[填空题]A we can teach them reading or arithmetic
B a set of developed skills
C schoolwork and intelligence tests
D according to ability at an early age
E a fixed entity
F the most important factors in the environment are language and psychological aspects of the parent-child relationship
Intelligence tests could be used for streaming children______.

W: Can you speak up a little I can hardly hear you.
M: All right. Is that better now

What can we conclude from the talk()
A. The woman has no problem hearing the man.:
B. The man tries speaking loud enough.
C. The woman can’t understand the man.
D. The man doesn’t want to speak up.
[单项选择]The professor can hardly find sufficient grounds()his argument in favor of the new theory.
A. which to base on
B. on which to base
C. to base on which
D. which to be based on
[单项选择]You can hardly imagine the difficulty the single mum had ( ) her children.
A. brought up
B. to bring up
C. bringing up
D. to have brought up


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