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发布时间:2023-10-22 23:38:06

[简答题]There is evidence that unscrupulous experts can also earn serious money from crime business group by breaking into computer systems, writing viruses and ______.

更多"There is evidence that unscrupulous"的相关试题:

[单项选择]()the stress of the examination is over, we can all relax.
A. With
B. Even though
C. For
D. Now that
[单项选择]A. It is flexible in timing. B. It can also be attended in evenings.
C. It lasts 16 hours in all. D. It is suitable for intermediate learners.
[单项选择]A. Men need not do the job. B. Men can also do the job as well as women.
C. Men should not do the job. D. Men can not do the job.
[单项选择]According to experts how can colleges best help blind students ?()
A. By encouraging them to be more self-reliant.
B. By showing them proper care and respect.
C. By offering them more financial assistance.
D. By providing them with free medical service.

Experts say children can begin learning a second language in preschool, and should begin before the age of ten to take advantage of young children’s natural ability to acquire language. This advantage is lost by the time most children encounter (遇到) a foreign language in the classroom, in middle school or high school.
Dr. Noble Goss, an assistant professor of Spanish and German at Harding University in Arkansas, says, "As a father of bilingual (双语的) children (My wife is Mexican), I know that not only it is easy for children to learn one or more languages, but they have an amazing way of separating them out more successfully than you would think. "
If a child hears two languages early, he accepts both equally. But if given a chance to speak both, can they be fluent in both
Not everyone agrees that early childhood is the only time to start a language, however. Reeves, the chairman and founder of the Center for Performance Assessment in Denver
A. children have a special talent to learn languages
B. it will take a very long time to master a language
C. the linguistic ability will be weakened as one grows up
D. children have an amazing way to separate two languages

[填空题]According to animal-behavior experts, the pets can be conditioned through______.
[单项选择]__________ we have enough evidence. we can’t win the case.
A. Once
B. As long as
C. Unless
D. Since

Cancer experts now believe that up to ______ of all cancers come from lifestyle factors such as smoking, diet and lack of exercise.
[填空题]A policeman can stop a car to look for evidence leading to a search if he finds it matching ______.


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