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发布时间:2023-09-29 05:37:25

[单项选择]We have one vacant seat for the 9:30 train because someone cancelled it half an hour ago.
A. 我们9:30的火车上还有一个空座位,因为半小时前,有人来退了票。
B. 我们9:30的火车上还有一个空座位,因为半小时前,有人来取消了。
C. 我们9:30的火车上还有一个空座位,因为半小时前,有些人来退了票。
D. 我们9:30的火车上还有一个座位,因为半小时前,有人来取消了。

更多"We have one vacant seat for the 9:3"的相关试题:

[单项选择]We have one vacant seat for the 9:30 train because someone cancelled it half an hour ago.
A. 我们9:30的火车上还有一个空座位,因为半小时前,有人来退了票。
B. 我们9:30的火车上还有一个空座位,因为半小时前,有人来取消了。
C. 我们9:30的火车上还有一个空座位,因为半小时前,有些人来退了票。
D. 我们9:30的火车上还有一个座位,因为半小时前,有人来取消了。
[简答题]Once we have accomplished one thing, we need to remember that there is plenty left to do. The feeling that we are always aiming for new goals, always on the brink (边缘) of doing something new and exciting, makes it easier for us to tackle new challenges with enthusiasm. Of course we have the right to feel satisfied occasionally, but not for too long, otherwise this sense of satisfaction will keep us from moving forward.
Passage One
As we have seen in earlier chapters, the American definition of success is largely one of acquiring wealth and a higher material standard of living. It is not surprising, therefore, that Americans have valued education for its monetary value. The belief is widely spread in the United States that the more schooling people have, the more money they will earn when they leave school. The belief is strongest regarding the desirability of an undergraduate university degree, or a professional degree such as medicine or law following the undergraduate degree. The money value of graduate degrees in "non-professional" fields such as art, history, or philosophy is not as great.
This belief in the monetary value of education is supported by statistics on income. Ben Wattenberg, a social scientist, estimated that in the course of a lifet
A. Americans place a high value on education.
B. Americans believe it is possible, though difficult, to be successful without an advanced degree.
C. Americans believe that the more the education, the higher the salary.
D. A basic American value is acquiring material wealth.
[简答题]We have done things we ought not to have done and ____________(应该做的事情却没有做).

[单项选择] We all have offensive breath at one time or another. In most cases, offensive breath emanates from bacteria in the mouth, although there are other, more surprising causes. Until a few years ago, the most doctors could do was to counsel patients with bad breath about oral cleanliness. Now they are finding new ways to treat the usually curable condition. Bad breath can happen whenever the normal flow of saliva slows. Our mouths are full of bacteria feeding on protein in bits of food and shed tissue. The bacteria emit evil-smelling gases, the worst of which is hydrogen sulfide. Mouth bacteria thrive in airless conditions. Oxygen-rich saliva keeps their numbers down. When we sleep, for example, the saliva stream slows, and sulfide-producing bacteria gain the upper hand, producing classic " morning breath". Alcohol, hunger, too much talking , breathing through the mouth during exercise — anything that dries the mouth produces bad breath. So can stress, though it’’s n
A. they can’’t mask the bad odor long enough
B. they can’’t get to all the offending bacteria
C. their strong smell mixes with bad breath and makes it worse
D. they can’’t cover the thick layers of mucus


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