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发布时间:2023-12-07 22:54:43

[填空题]In the past eight years USAID has experimented with and improved various methods to slow the spread of HIV/AIDS.

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[填空题]In the past eight years USAID has experimented a lot and improved various methods to slow the spread of epidemic.


Over the past 600 years, English has grown from a language of few speakers to become the dominant language of international communication. English as we know it today emerged around 1350, after having incorporated many elements of French that were introduced following the Norman invasion of 1066. Until the 1600s, English was, for the most part, spoken only in England and had not extended even as far as Wales, Scotland, or Ireland. However, during the course of the next two centuries, English began to spread around the globe as a result of exploration, trade (including slave trade), colonization and missionary work. Thus, small enclaves (聚居地) of English speakers became established and grew in various parts of the world. As these communities proliferated, English gradually became the primary language of international business, banking, and diplomacy.
Then came the 20th century and its burst of technology. Suddenly people were talking across oceans, flying across continents,
A. The expansion of English as an international language.
B. The number of non-native users of English.
C. The French influence on the English language.
D. The use of English for science and technology.


In the past 200 years, Australia has lost 19 species (种类) of animals and 76 species of plants.
The Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service estimates that between 100 and 250 million species of animals and plants have lived on Earth since life began about 3.5 million years ago. Today, there are between 5 and 10 million species, of which up to 1 million or more species could be extinct (灭绝) by the year 2010.
Today the council of state and federal ministers responsible for nature conservation (保护) has produced a list of currently endangered vertebrate fauna (脊椎动物). Three species of whale, various birds, a number of frogs, snakes and fish are also on the list.
But there is some cause for optimism (乐观). Several species previously believed extinct have reappeared in recent years.
This could mean that other "extinct" species may yet surface--even the Tasmanian tiger, which some authorities believe still exists in the remote regions of Tas
A. life history on Earth
B. animals and plants in the world
C. disappearances of animals and plants in Australia
D. discoveries of new animals and plants in Australia

[单项选择]During the past years, intelligent technology has evolved (116) three generations. The first was characterized by tools such as prolog and OPS. prolog is a simple backward-chaining environment, and OPS is a simple forward-chaining environment. This led to the second generation of knowledge-engineering environments. Its goal was to model, prototype and construct (117) systems.
All three generations were oriented toward generic (118) and represented generalized implementation environments for the construction of expert systems. knowledge bases and AI applications.
Some of the solution-oriented products are also seamlessly integrated with generic knowledge-engineering environments, permitting end users to add (119) rules and objects, as well as predefined knowledge-based logic to address problems in manufacturing simulation.
Marketplace orientation is rapidly (120) toward solution-oriented intelligent product environments. the fourth ge
A. custom
B. knowledge
C. through
D. problem solving


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