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发布时间:2024-04-02 19:14:33


W: Good morning, Steven.
M: Jane, please come in and sit down.
W: I want to talk to you about something that’s up.
M: I hope everything is all right. Is there any trouble
W: No, no, nothing at all. Everything has been going very well.
M: That’s good.
W: This is something quite different.
M: I’ll be glad to help you. Is there anything I can do
W: Some advice, Steven. I have been offered a new job.
M: A new job
W: As a matter of fact, it isn’t the bank in New York.
M: Is the offer from another bank or an insurance company
W: It’s from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development in Washington.
M: You mean the World Bank
W: That’s right. And it’s really very unexpected, I must say. I’ve had business with them but I’ve never suggested that I was interested in working for them.
M: You’ve establi
A. Some help with her work.
B. Some advice about a new job
C. A new job.
D. A promotion.

更多"W: Good morning, Steven. M: Jane,"的相关试题:


W: Good morning, Steven.
M: Jane, please come in and sit down.
W: I want to talk to you about something that’s up.
M: I hope everything is all right. Is there any trouble
W: No, no, nothing at all. Everything has been going very well.
M: That’s good.
W: This is something quite different.
M: I’ll be glad to help you. Is there anything I can do
W: Some advice, Steven. I have been offered a new job.
M: A new job
W: As a matter of fact, it isn’t the bank in New York.
M: Is the offer from another bank or an insurance company
W: It’s from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development in Washington.
M: You mean the World Bank
W: That’s right. And it’s really very unexpected, I must say. I’ve had business with them but I’ve never suggested that I was interested in working for them.
M: You’ve establi
A. She is successful.
B. She is under pressure.
C. She is incompetent.
D. She is cautious.


W: Come in, please. M: Good morning, Dr. Wilson. W: Good morning, Wang. How nice to meet you again. Take a seat... why don’t you, please. When did you get to the university M: I arrived yesterday.W: Well...are you living in the college M: No, I am with an English family... actually... because I want to improve my speaking. W: Oh, fine. Right, did you take a language proficiency test before you came M: Yes. Uhh... my Overall Band is 6, but...unfortunately my speaking score is only 5. W: OK, you know, here in this university, you have to take our own English test before you attend any lectures. So, first of all, what we’ve got to do is, we have to make an arrangement for the test date. Umm...will tomorrow be all right for you M: Yeah, I have time tomorrow morning. W: Good, then. Tomorrow at ten. I don’t think the test will be any problem for you. Now, let’s make sure you make good use of your time here. Let’s put it like this. What exactly do you want


Jane (W) Professor Green(M)
W: Good morning, professor Green.
M: Good morning.
W: What are we going to talk about today
M: Today we will be going over the ten-week long course syllabus and setting up some general guidelines for this quarter, as well as answering any questions you may have about the reading and writing assignments... OK, now, in week one, we will cover chapters one to ten in the textbook and relate them to the novel by Julia Stephen "Walking the Dragons ’. The primary focus will be on the living conditions of peasants during the 1930s.
W: Does that mean we have to read all ten chapters and the novel by Monday
M: Good question, Jane. I’m glad you asked. The reading that you should have completed by Monday is Chapters one to six and the first half of Stephen’s novel. By Wednesday you should read through to chapter ten and finish the novel, and on Friday we will have our first writing assignment d
A. Literature.
B. History.
C. Economics.
D. Psychology.

[填空题]Please come here at ten tomorrow morning ________________________(如果你方便的话).


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