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发布时间:2024-03-29 05:31:48

{{B}}Passage One{{/B}}
The predictability of our mortality rates is something that has long puzzled social scientists. After all, there is no natural reason why 2,500 people should accidentally shoot themselves each year or why 7,000 should drown or 55,000 die in their cars. No one establishes a quota(配额) for each type of death. It just happens that they follow a consistent pattern year after year.
A few years ago a Canadian psychologist named Gerald Wilde became interested in this phenomenon. He noticed that mortality rates for violent and accidental deaths throughout the Western world have remained oddly static throughout the whole of the century, despite all the technological advances and increases in safety standards that have happened in that time. Wilde developed an interesting theory called "risk homeostasis(自我平衡)". According to thi
A. why a quota for each type of death has not come into being
B. why the mortality rate can not be predicted
C. why the death toll remains stable year after year
D. why people lose their lives every year for this or that mason

更多"{{B}}Passage One{{/B}} "的相关试题:

{{B}}Passage One{{/B}}
The predictability of our mortality rates is something that has long puzzled social scientists. After all, there is no natural reason why 2,500 people should accidentally shoot themselves each year or why 7,000 should drown or 55,000 die in their cars. No one establishes a quota(配额) for each type of death. It just happens that they follow a consistent pattern year after year.
A few years ago a Canadian psychologist named Gerald Wilde became interested in this phenomenon. He noticed that mortality rates for violent and accidental deaths throughout the Western world have remained oddly static throughout the whole of the century, despite all the technological advances and increases in safety standards that have happened in that time. Wilde developed an interesting theory called "risk homeostasis(自我平衡)". According to thi
A. have achieved no effect in reducing the number of deaths
B. have helped to solve the problem of so high death rate
C. have oddly accounted for mortality rates in the past century
D. have reduced mortality rates for violent and accidental deaths
{{B}}Passage One{{/B}}
Terrorism has become so widespread that it is now impossible to dismiss it as the action of a few crazy people. In fact, terrorism--the use of violence by small groups of people to accomplish political alms they feel unable to bring about by peaceful, legitimate means--has sociological roots.
Terrorism most often stems from the situation of people who consider themselves a national group but who feel that no state, no legitimate and widely recognized autonomous government, represents them. Since all the inhabitable territory of the world is divided into states, which are the main organizational units through which people can exercise political power, people without a state to represent them feel completely powerless and cut off from the world order. To have independence--and even a recognized identity--as a people,
A. positive
B. neutral
C. contradicted
D. negative
[单项选择]{{B}}Passage One{{/B}}
A. He thought that he would either find a good job or he would be a thief.
B. He said that he would become rich by way of robbing the bank.
C. He said that he could rob the rich of their money.
D. He might be rich if he worked harder.
{{B}}Passage One{{/B}}

What should one do if he wants to help himself to food on the other side of the table
A. Ask the person sitting close to it to help.
B. Stand up and get it.
C. Sit where one is, but stretch one’s arms for it.
D. Don’t know.
{{B}}Passage One{{/B}}

Concerning one’s sitting posture, which of the following is correct
A. One should prop his head with his elbows on the table.
B. One should hold an extra napkin.
C. One should be upright in his chair.
D. One should lean against the back of his chair.
[填空题]{{B}}Section B{{/B}}
Passage One
{{B}} Questions 52 to 56 are based on the following passage.{{/B}}
The poor old consumer! We’d have to pay a great deal more if advertising didn’t create mass markets for products. It is precisely because of the heavy advertising that consumer goods are so cheap. But we get the wrong idea if we think the only purpose of advertising is to sell goods. Another equally important function is to inform. A great deal of the knowledge we have about household goods derives largely from the advertisements we read. Advertisements introduce us to new products or remind us of the existence of ones we already know about. Supposing you wanted to buy a washing machine, it is more than likely you would obtain details regarding performance, price, etc, from an advertisement.
Lots of people pretend that they never read ad
A. A.we have cheap goods because of heavy advertising
B.we know to inform is one of the functions of advertising
C.we have much knowledge about household goods
D.we believe the only purpose of advertising is to sell goods

[填空题]{{B}}Section B{{/B}}
Passage One
{{B}}Questions 52 to 56 are based on the following passage.{{/B}}
Video games have become increasingly popular in both arcades and the average American home. People of all ages and from all walks of life are enjoying hours of entertainment by feeding their time and quarters into these flashing, beeping machines. Many skeptics as well as prospective arcade owners have asked what it is that gives Pac Man, Centipede, and a multitude of other popular games their magnetic appeal to millions of players. As a video player myself, I believe there are many answers to that question but three are outstanding.
Before a full-scale attack is launched against young video players for "throwing away" their quarters, one should first consider the rising costs of more traditional forms of entertainment. For instance, eighte
A. A.they expand the gamers’ horizon of imagination
B.they help the players to keep up with the scientific world
C.they are the most convenient way of learning about science
D.they teach the players to write computer programs by themselves


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