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发布时间:2024-04-29 06:23:11

[填空题]Much ______ (尽管我们钦佩他的艺术天赋), we don’t agree that his character is just as admirable.

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[填空题]Much ______ (尽管我们钦佩他的艺术天赋), we don’t agree that his character is just as admirable.
[简答题]A. 级 The U.S. and Iran don’t agree on much these days. But in their conflict over Iran’s nuclear program, both seem willing to use oil as a political weapon. The U.S. believes that sanctions on Iran’s energy exports might force Tehran to renounce its uranium-enrichment ambitions. Iran hopes its threats to withhold some of those exports will persuade the international community to back off. One thing is certain: a substantial reduction in Iran’s energy output would have a significant impact on global oil prices. Iran is the fourth-largest oil exporter in the world. It sells more than 2.5 million barrels a day. Many analysts say a supply cut could drive prices up to $g0 to $100 a barrel. Some analysts argue that it is less dangerous for the U.S. to simply accept a nuclear Iran than to risk the damage that sharp Iranian production cuts--or Iranian retaliation against a U.S. or Israeli military strike--might do to U.S. interests. After all, Iran is unlikely to ever fire a nuclea
[简答题]B级 The U.S. and Iran don’t agree on much these days. But in their conflict over Iran’s nuclear program, both seem willing to use oil as a political weapon. The U.S. believes that sanctions on Iran’s energy exports might force Tehran to renounce its uranium-enrichment ambitions. Iran hopes its threats to withhold some of those exports will persuade the international community to back off. Some analysts argue that it is less dangerous for the U.S. to simply accept a nuclear Iran than to risk the damage that sharp Iranian production cuts---or Iranian retaliation against a U.S. or Israeli military strike--might do to U.S. interests. After all, Iran is unlikely to ever fire a nuclear missile, which could be expected to respond in kind. But the Bush administration fears that Iran might sell nuclear material to other states, and possibly to terrorist groups. It’s also concerned that other Middle Eastern countries (Saudi Arabia, in particular) might feel compelled to go nuclear.
How much did the customer agree to pay for the rent per day

[单项选择]Much as I admire his novels, I cannot agree that they are superior to his poems.()
A. 我很喜欢他的小说,但是我认为他的诗歌更好。
B. 因为我非常喜欢他的小说,所以我赞同他的小说不超过他的诗歌水平。
C. 虽然我非常喜欢他的小说,但我并不认为他的小说比诗歌好。
D. 如同我喜欢他的小说那样,我不能同意他的诗歌比他的小说好。
[单项选择]你肯定听过这种理论:左撇子的右脑运作比较活跃,因此更为感性,具有艺术天赋;右撇子则充分锻炼了左脑,因雨擅长逻辑思维,性格更为理性。这个观念是如此深入人心,以至于有些父母或教育者煞费苦心地让孩子平衡左右手活动。   接下来作者最有可能谈论的是:
A. 左右脑为何存在分工
B. 左右脑如何协调工作
C. 左右脑分工不同的例子
D. 左右脑未必存在明确分工
[单项选择]在这个世界上,每个人都蕴藏着独特的天赋,这种天赋就像金矿一样埋藏在我们看似( )的生命中。
A. 朴实纯真
B. 平淡无奇
C. 日新月异
D. 光彩夺目
A. 悄然无声
B. 平淡无奇
C. 朴实无华
D. 奥妙无穷


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