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发布时间:2024-03-29 19:22:30


M: Hi, Mary. How’ s everything
W: Fine. You know, John, I’ m planning to go to Las Vegas for a holiday and would like to stay in a large hotel. Anything to recommend
M: Er! The Hilton Hotel. There is quite a large one. It has 3,174 bedrooms. It also has 12 restaurants and about 125,000 square feet of convention space. There’ re a 10-acre recreation deck and a stage show dining hall. Over 3,600 people now work for it.
W: Oh, great! Is it the largest hotel in the U. S.
M: Yes, it is. But it may not be the largest in the world. Er! As far as I know, the Hotel Rossiya in Moscow is larger than Hilton. It is a 12-story building that has 3,200 rooms. It can provide accommodation for 6,000 guests. Besides, there’ s a 21-story "Presidential Tower" in the central courtyard. It has 15 restaurants and 93 elevators. And it employs a bout 3,000 people. The ballroom is known as the world’ s largest. Russians are not allowed

更多"M: Hi, Mary. How’ s everythin"的相关试题:


M: Hi, Mary. How’ s everything
W: Fine. You know, John, I’ m planning to go to Las Vegas for a holiday and would like to stay in a large hotel. Anything to recommend
M: Er! The Hilton Hotel. There is quite a large one. It has 3,174 bedrooms. It also has 12 restaurants and about 125,000 square feet of convention space. There’ re a 10-acre recreation deck and a stage show dining hall. Over 3,600 people now work for it.
W: Oh, great! Is it the largest hotel in the U. S.
M: Yes, it is. But it may not be the largest in the world. Er! As far as I know, the Hotel Rossiya in Moscow is larger than Hilton. It is a 12-story building that has 3,200 rooms. It can provide accommodation for 6,000 guests. Besides, there’ s a 21-story "Presidential Tower" in the central courtyard. It has 15 restaurants and 93 elevators. And it employs a bout 3,000 people. The ballroom is known as the world’ s largest. Russians are not allowed


M: Hi, Lily. How is everything
W: Not bad, except for my headache.

What’s wrong with Lily( ).
A. she has got a toothache.
B. she has got a backache.
C. she has got a headache.

M: Hi, Lily. How is everything
W: Not bad, except for my headache.

What’s wrong with Lily ()
A. she has got a toothache.
B. she has got a backache.
C. she has got a headache.

M: Hi, Lily. How is everything
W: Not bad, except for my headache.

What’s wrong with Lily()
A. she has got a toothache.
B. she has got a backache.
C. she has got a headache.

M: Jane, let’s go swimming.
W: Swim Are you joking We have an exam to morrow, and I must prepare for it.

What does the woman mean ()
A. She is unable to swim.
B. She doesn’t like swimming.
C. She doesn’t like the boy.
D. She has no time to swim.

W: My, it’s 10:40, I’m sorry I kept you waiting for such a long time,
M: Never mind. You axe only ten minutes late. It’s nothing.

When was the woman expected to arrive ()
A. 10:50. 
B. 10:40. 
C. 10:30. 
D. 10:10.


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