发布时间:2024-03-28 23:14:09

[单项选择]Speaker A: Mind if I call you Albert Speaker B:______
A. Yes, just call me Al.
B. Yes, you may do that.
C. Of course not. But just plain "AI" will do.
D. OK. Everyone does.

更多"Speaker A: Mind if I call you Alber"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Speaker A: Mind if I call you Albert Speaker B:______
A. Yes, just call me Al.
B. Yes, you may do that.
C. Of course not. But just plain "AI" will do.
D. OK. Everyone does.
[单项选择]Speaker A: Are you sure you don’t mind getting the concert tickets I wouldn’t be able to pay you back until Friday when I get paid.
Speaker B: No problem. I’m glad ______.
A. I can help and we’ll be able to go together
B. as long as I can help you
C. I’ll pay it for you than that
D. I hope to see you happy
[单项选择]Speaker A: Would you mind if I use your dictionary now
Speaker B: I am in the middle of writing an essay. Maybe thirty minutes later.
Speaker A: ______.
A. That’s all right then. I’m waiting for you
B. Never mind. Please finish it as soon as possible
C. Yes, I’m patient enough
D. After all, the dictionary is yours
[单项选择]Speaker A: Do you mind if I change the channel
Speaker B: ( ).
A. Actually, I think this program is quite interesting.
B. Yes, you can switch to the channel you want to watch.
C. Never mind. Just go ahead.
D. Certainly. You can do what you like.
[单项选择]Why will the speaker make the call( ).
A. Because he will let the other person know about the assignment
B. Because he needs to talk to somebody.
C. Because he can’t talk about the assignment now.
D. Because he wants to know about the assignment.
[单项选择]Speaker A: Are you from Australia
Speaker B: Yes, I am. From Melbourne, I’ve...
Speaker A: So the seasons are all upside down for you over here!
Speaker B: ( ) It’s pretty cold and rainy during June and July.
A. That’s right!
B. That’s okay!
C. That’s all right!
D. That’s all!
[单项选择]Speaker A: Do you think you can lend me that novel when you are finished with it I’ve been looking all over for a copy, but apparently it sold out at all the bookstores.
Speaker B: Oh, ( ). It belongs to Alice. But I’ll see what she says.
A. it does not belong to my book
B. it’s not mine
C. it’s not me
D. it’s not my copy
[单项选择]Speaker A: If you like, I could help you paint (刷油漆) the room tomorrow.
Speaker B:()
A. You don’ t have to give me a hand.
B. That would be too much bother, but thanks anyway.
C. I’ m OK. You shouldn’t worry about that.
D. Unfortunately I feel unable to accept your offer.
[单项选择]Speaker A: Would you like another piece of apple pie (苹果派)
Speaker B:()
A. Don’ t push me. I’ ve hardly eaten on.
B. Come on. I can’ t manage it.
C. No kidding. I can’ t eat any more.
D. No, thanks. I’ m on a diet.
[单项选择]Speaker A: Would you please close the window I feel a bit cold.
Speaker B: ( ).
A. All right. I hope someone will close it.
B. Oh, I’m sorry, but maybe you should put on your sweater. We need some fresh air.
C. Who has opened the window I feel cold too.
D. If you feel cold, you can put on more clothes.
[单项选择]Speaker A: Can you tell me something about your company
Speaker B:________. Our company was established in 1953. We produce a wide variety of electronic equipment,
A. I am glad.
B. Good idea.
C. You are welcome.
D. My pleasure.

Speaker A : Thank you so much for the wonderful dinner. Tom and I really enjoyed it.
Speaker B: ( )

A. I’m glad you made it.
B. You’re quite welcome.
C. I like to share with others.
D. You’re always my best friends.
[单项选择]Why did the speaker make this phone call
A. To inform a successful job candidate
B. To reschedule a recruitment process
C. To arrange a job interview
D. To inquire about a job posting
[单项选择]Speaker A: Could you give me a ride to the conference center My presentation is in about half an hour.
Speaker B: ______ Have you checked with Bob He seems to be on his way there about this time.
A. I’m sorry. Perhaps next time.
B. I’m glad to. But it’s too late.
C. I’m afraid I am going to the opposite direction.
D. Excuse me, but I’m going to the conference center.
[单项选择]Speaker A: Can you come to my office early to help me with my paper
Speaker B: ( ).
A. Thank you for your invitation. I’m sure to be there.
B. I’d like to, but I can’t leave until I’ve typed out the letters.
C. By all means. I have to finish my own paper first.
D. What do you expect me to do for you


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