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发布时间:2024-03-29 20:03:19

[填空题]Bob doesn’t care much for his studies,___________________(因为这是他第二次迟到).

更多"Bob doesn’t care much for his studi"的相关试题:

[填空题]Bob doesn’t care much for his studies,___________________(因为这是他第二次迟到).

[单项选择]Some people care much about their appearance and always ask if they look fine in ________ they are wearing.
A. that
B. what
C. how
D. which
[单项选择]A rhetorician who spends so much of his time studying the famous______of logic is more than likely to produce a few self-evident statements of his own.
A. self-knots
B. paradoxes
C. twists
D. tautologies
E. platitudes
[单项选择]How did Bob like his steak
A. Underdone.
B. Medium rare.
C. Rare.
D. Overdone.
[单项选择]He had been (forced) to give up much of his time to housework.
A. compelled
B. demanded
C. determined
D. required
[单项选择]When Bob and his friends came, we()our supper then.
A. had
B. were having
C. have
D. are having
Studies Show US Spending Doesn’t Get Best Health

The United States may spend twice as much on health care as other rich countries but it is not getting results to match, according to studies released on Tuesday.
But in the study of five wealthy countries, published in the journal Health Affairs, researchers found no single nation had clearly the worst or best health care system.
Gerard Anderson at Johns Hopkins University’s school of public health and colleagues came up with a list of 21 health fields they could evenly compare across the five countries — Australia, Canada, Britain, New Zealand and the United States.
"None of the five countries is consistently the best or the worst on all 21 indicators," Anderson said during a telephone briefing for reporters.
"If you are looking for the place to get the best care, there isn’t a single place. Every country has at least one indicator where it scores the best of the five
A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Not mentioned


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