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发布时间:2024-03-29 18:13:34

[单项选择]Fred liked fish very much, and when he had enough money, he bought some in the market, and took it home. But when his wife saw the fish, she always said to herself, "Good! Now I will invite (邀请) my friends to lunch and we will eat the fish. They like fish very much." So when Fred came home in the evening, the fish was never there, and his wife always said, "Oh, your cat ate it! She is a very bad animal!" And she gave Fred soup (汤) and bread for his dinner.
But one evening when this happened, Fred became very angry. He took the cat and his wife to the shop near the house and weighed (秤重) the cat carefully. Then he turned to his wife and said, "My cat is here, you see, then where is my fish /

Fred always bought fish in the market when ______.
A. he had enough money
B. he liked it
C. he came back from work

更多"Fred liked fish very much, and when"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Fred liked fish very much, and when he had enough money, he bought some in the market, and took it home. But when his wife saw the fish, she always said to herself, "Good! Now I will invite (邀请) my friends to lunch and we will eat the fish. They like fish very much." So when Fred came home in the evening, the fish was never there, and his wife always said, "Oh, your cat ate it! She is a very bad animal!" And she gave Fred soup (汤) and bread for his dinner.
But one evening when this happened, Fred became very angry. He took the cat and his wife to the shop near the house and weighed (秤重) the cat carefully. Then he turned to his wife and said, "My cat is here, you see, then where is my fish /

Which of the following is true
A. Fred didn’t eat the fish, he took soup and bread for his dinner.
B. His wife was eating the fish when Fred came home.
C. Fred couldn’t find the fish because the cat ate the fish.
Fred liked fish very much, and when he had enough money, he bought some in the market, and took it home. But when his wife saw the fish, she always said to herself," Good! Now I will invite (邀请) my friends to lunch and we will eat the fish. They like fish very much. "So when Fred came home in the evening, the fish was never there, and his wife always said, "Oh, your cat ate it! She is a very bad animal!" And she gave Fred soup(汤) and bread for his dinner.
But one evening when this happened, Fred became very angry. He took the eat and his wife to the shop near the house and weighed (秤重) the eat carefully. Then he turned to his wife and said, "My fish is here, you see, then where is my cat "
Why was Fred very angry Because ______.


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